Episode 2538: The Power of Calm and Offering Everything to God - Nightly Episode

4 months ago

“O my God, at the end of this day I thank You most heartily for all the graces I have received
from You. I am sorry that I have not made better use of them. I am sorry for all the sins I have
committed against You. Forgive me, O my God, and graciously protect me this night. Blessed
Virgin Mary, my dear heavenly mother, take me under your protection. St. Joseph, my dear
Guardian Angel, and all you saints of God, pray for me. Sweet Jesus, have pity on all poor
sinners, and save them from hell. Have mercy on the suffering souls in purgatory. Amen.”
The Power of Calm and Offering Everything to God
Welcome to tonight’s episode, where we will reflect on the importance of cultivating calm in our spiritual lives and offering all our actions to God as acts of homage and love. Inspired by the wisdom of St. Padre Pio and Raoul Plus, S.J., we will dive into how calmness rooted in trust and detachment can deepen our union with God. By offering our daily activities and struggles to Him, we give every moment of our lives profound meaning, transforming even the most ordinary tasks into acts of divine worship.
As Catholics, we are called to live a life of peace and trust in God’s will, offering everything our joys, sorrows, successes, and failures to Him for His glory.
Main Reflection:
Let’s start by considering the simple yet powerful advice of St. Padre Pio:
"I recommend calm and calm all the time."
This call to calm is not just about external tranquility but about an interior peace that comes from fully trusting in God. The world around us is often chaotic, filled with noise, stress, and distractions. Yet, St. Padre Pio, who endured immense suffering and spiritual trials, reminds us that no matter what is happening in our lives, we must seek calm, knowing that God is in control.
But how do we achieve this interior calm? First, we must recognize that anxiety, fear, and stress often come from a lack of trust in God’s providence. When we hold onto worries about the future or frustrations about the past, we are not surrendering fully to God’s plan. Calmness, on the other hand, comes from detachment from letting go of our need to control and placing all our trust in the Lord, knowing that He is working all things for our good (Romans 8:28).
Calmness is a form of humility. It acknowledges that we are not the masters of our destiny, but that God is. It allows us to rest in the knowledge that He sees the bigger picture, even when we cannot. By cultivating this calm in our hearts, we create a space where God’s peace can dwell, and we become more attuned to His voice and His will.
Raoul Plus, S.J., offers us another dimension to this peace, reminding us of the sanctity of every action done for God:
"Every action done for God rises to His throne as an act of homage. It constitutes a lifting up of our whole being to His supreme majesty, a recognition—which, although not always explicit, is nonetheless real—of His sovereign due, and is the filial act of the creature offering everything to his Creator and his Father."
This beautiful insight shows us that when we do things with the right intention—whether it’s working, studying, caring for our families, or even enduring suffering—we offer it all as a form of worship. Each moment becomes an opportunity to give glory to God. Whether we explicitly think about it or not, every action done with love and for His sake rises to His throne as an offering.
This is what it means to sanctify our daily lives. Holiness is not just found in the extraordinary, but in the mundane, in the small sacrifices and duties of everyday life. When we sweep the floor, take care of our children, or respond kindly to someone in need, we can lift these actions to God. They become a form of prayer, a homage to the One who has given us life.
By offering everything to God, we participate in His divine will. This lifts us out of the ordinary and mundane, transforming our lives into a continuous act of worship. When we combine this offering with the calm trust that St. Padre Pio recommends, we live in a way that is fully in harmony with God’s plan for us.
Practical Application:
1. Cultivate Interior Calm:
Take a few moments each day to pause, breathe deeply, and consciously place your trust in God. When faced with stress or anxiety, remind yourself of St. Padre Pio’s advice to remain calm. Say a short prayer, such as, “Jesus, I trust in You,” and entrust your worries to Him.
2. Offer Your Daily Actions to God:
Before beginning any task, no matter how small, offer it to God with love. This transforms even the simplest activities into acts of worship. You can say a short prayer such as, “Lord, I offer this work to You,” or “May this be for Your glory.”
3. Practice Detachment:
Work on letting go of the need to control every situation. Detachment doesn’t mean indifference, but rather, trusting that God’s will is greater than our own. In moments of frustration or difficulty, instead of resisting, surrender them to God as part of His divine plan for your growth in holiness.
4. Recognize the Sacred in the Ordinary:
Reflect on how every moment of your life can be an opportunity to draw closer to God. Whether it’s during work, leisure, or family time, see each moment as a chance to offer yourself and your actions to Him.

As we reflect on the wisdom of St. Padre Pio and Raoul Plus, S.J., we are reminded of the beauty and simplicity of living a life fully entrusted to God. By cultivating an interior calm and offering every action as an act of homage, we align ourselves with God’s will and sanctify our daily lives.
Holiness is not a distant ideal but a present reality, found in the calm trust we place in God and the intentional offering of our hearts and actions to Him. In this way, we transform our ordinary lives into a living prayer, a continuous act of worship to our Creator.
Let us seek this peace and offer all that we are and all that we do to God, trusting in His providence and knowing that He works all things for our good.
Closing Prayer:
Heavenly Father,
We thank You for the gift of peace and calm that You offer us in every moment of our lives. Help us to trust in Your divine providence, knowing that You are always in control. May we offer every action of our day to You as an act of homage, glorifying Your name through our work, our words, and our love. Teach us to live in the calm that St. Padre Pio encourages, and may we always seek to do Your will in all things.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Thank you for joining me today. May you experience God’s peace and grace in all that you do, offering your life as a living prayer to Him. Until next time, stay calm, trust in God, and offer everything for His glory!

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