CDT Live Audio Chat Q&A: Positively Charged Environment Is Killing Off Humanity: Sept 27, 2024

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This Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies Support Group Chat main topic will be on the ways to increase your energy by utilizing protocols that will increase the negative charge that so many our lacking as a result of EMF, Electronics, pharmaceutical and so many more toxins. Cost effective easy solutions to win. Add and take away some habits can be life changing testimonies. Join us as we explore more what has helped others heal from dis-ease.

Effects of a Toxin
The effects of a toxin are entirely determined by the biochemical reactions which take place when a potential toxin is introduced into an organism. Toxicologists must also take into consideration the environment in which the organisms lives. As mentioned before, things like pressure, heat, and metabolic rate can drastically change the effects of a toxin. Further, not all organisms react to toxins in the same way. Each organisms, even within a species, is essentially a unique biochemical factory. Some organisms are better equipped to handle certain toxins than others.

The specific effects of a toxin are determined by how it interacts with the cells of the organisms. Some toxins work by disrupting ion channels within the cells, while others can destroy the cell membrane or mutate the DNA. All of these conditions will eventually lead to the organism dying if the toxin is not removed. Organisms use their immune systems to target and remove protein-based toxins, while they rely on the filtration of their blood to remove ions and other free radicals. The damage done by a toxin is determined by its structure, atomically.

In general, there are 3 main types of toxin. A toxin can be produced by an organism, making it a biological toxin. It may be a single atom or complex molecule produced in nature or in a laboratory, making it a chemical toxin. Lastly, radiation is a special form of toxin which is emitted from radioactive molecules in the environment. Like other toxins, radioactivity disrupts the processes of cells and can lead to death. The many millions of different toxins are classified and categorized differently by different branches of science, but in general they are classified towards their toxicity to humans. At Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies we are removing toxins so the body can begin to heal and thrive. Who wants increased energy?

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