Episode 447: Immigration Confusion with Springfield, Ohio An Example

1 day ago

The full article and references at: https://bit.ly/3XWXw9M

From a Foundational First Principles perspective we are living out Immigration Confusion with Springfield, Ohio as one example. You must be patient and get through the confusion described at the onset of this program before I take you into the First Principles of Constitutional intent regarding naturalization, immigration and Citizenship. It may shock you to know that the Founders believed in open immigration. They did not expect mass migration as a form of immigration. I will clearly clarify what was expected of all new persons coming to these United States in search of Citizenship.
The difference between the perspective on immigration from our foundation and the present is in that: at the founding there were not any public services or tax payer buckets of money for aliens coming to the United States. In other words, No hand outs and No bureaucracies manipulating the system. Also, the issue of allegiance was crucial.

I will be delving into those First Principles of the Constitutional structure for immigration/Naturalization as developed in Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 (Citizenship). In Addition to the University of Chicago Press ‘the Founders Constitution,’ I will be directing your attention to a great article from Hillsdale College on this topic (see the References). The subheading in that article on Assimilation is well done and documented.

As one can ascertain, what is going on in our present time is a complete confusion of Constitutional intent vs. political rhetoric and the unlearned truth for those desiring to keep the United States as they believe it should be.

But what if the confusion is in the lack of knowledge of original intent and then the ideological globalist and corporatist perversion of Constitutional intent?
Springfield, Ohio as One Example

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