Interview with the Liver

4 months ago

ALL disease begins in the Liver.

Red Meat = Fat

Fat= Hard on the Liver as the liver must produce more and more bile to break down fats, if the liver gets sluggish then adrenal glands must produce adrenaline to thin the blood.

Vegan – great diet for liver recovery.

The liver needs lots of leafy greens.

The liver has the ability to regenerate.

The Liver loves Life. Live = Life

Vitamin C is great for the liver.

The liver needs a lot of rest these days as toxins are everywhere.

FRESH LEMON juice in water is GREAT for the Liver.

Celery Juice is GREAT for the Liver.

333 MHz is good for the liver.

The Liver can become STAGNANT with Emotion and toxic Sludge.

Heavy Metals, Streptococcus and Epstein-Barr – other Viruses – they clog up the liver.

The Solar Plexus Chakra – can help clear stagnant energy in the liver – try Refleoxology.

The Liver NEEDS to be consciously Maintained. Freshly Juiced Lemon Water with nothing added very first thing in the morning.

The Liver Carries Generations of Conscious Data from your bloodlines.

Leafy Greens like Kale, Spinach, Brussels Sprouts and Broccoli are great for the Liver. Barley Grass Juice and Wheat Grass Juice – good for liver.

V a c xines – livers have trouble with them.

Magnesium, Vit D, Vit C and Zinc – good for liver.

Transplants – most liver’s don’t mind being in another host but they bring with them the vibrations of the other body. The liver brings some of the conscious of the original person.

How did Source come up with the idea of creating the Liver to remove toxins from the blood? It was a necessary part of the evolution of the body. You have to have a filtration system.

The Liver protects the body from Chaos.

The Best Heavy Metal Detox on the Planet:
Heavy Metal Detox – Medical Medium

When consumed within 24 hours of each other, barley grass juice powder, spirulina, cilantro, wild blueberries, and Atlantic dulse provide the most effective method on the planet of removing heavy metals. These foods each have their singular strengths, performing slightly different roles in the detoxification process.

1. Barley Grass Juice Powder
2. Spirulina
3. Cilantro
4. Wild Blueberries
5. Atlantic Sea Dulse

Get this from Vimergy as they have all their products Independently tested.

*SOURCE: Channeling Erik – Elisa Medhus --


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END. 9/30/2024 – 3:00 PM

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