Fixing a beam in my crawlspace #homerepair

5 months ago

Fixing a beam in my crawlspace.
Hey folks, welcome back! If you’re new here, a big welcome to you as well. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and let’s dive into today’s adventure.

So, I’m down here under the crawl space, and wouldn’t you know it? One of the beams made of three 2x8s—or maybe 2x10s—was held together by only two nails. Yep, just two nails holding that thing at the end. Now it’s starting to separate, so I’ve got to fix it.

I sharpened my drill bits myself, and I’ve got to say, not too shabby! They don’t always come out that good, so I’ll take the win. But of course, when drilling down here, a hot shaving found its way into my boot. Figures, right?

I’m measuring about 8 inches, and I’ve got this Mastercraft battery tool that I reviewed before. Honestly, unless you’ve got a bigger battery, it’s not worth it. But electric tools? Can’t beat them. I’ve had mine for years, and I’ve definitely put it through its paces.

Anyway, I’m working on getting the right washer. Let’s just say, finding the right size has been a bit of a comedy. Too big, too small—just nothing fits. I’ll have to make do with what I’ve got, even if it’s not perfect.

Now, this beam I mentioned? It’s starting to come apart right where it sits on the post. They only used two nails at the end, so now it’s separating. I’ve got a clamp on it to draw it back together. The best idea I’ve come up with is to sandwich it together with a few fasteners. I’m thinking of coming in about six inches from the end, one on each side. You folks can tell me if that’s a good plan, but honestly, by the time you do, I’ll probably be done!

The crawl space is tighter than I thought—20 by 20 isn’t cutting it. I could probably use double that room, but you work with what you’ve got, right? This old toolset I’m using has been with me for ages, and it’s still serving me well.

I’m just glad I managed to close the inch-wide gap in the beam. It’s looking pretty solid now, and I’m happy with that result. Sometimes you’ve just got to make things work the best you can, and this will do just fine. Fixing a beam in a crawlspace can be a crucial task in maintaining the structural integrity of your home. This type of DIY project involves repairing or reinforcing beams to ensure proper support for the floor above. Whether it's a simple beam replacement or adding support to a weakened structure, crawlspace maintenance is essential to prevent further damage to the foundation. Tackling this home improvement task requires careful planning and attention to detail, making it an important part of any construction or renovation project focused on maintaining the overall safety and stability of the house.
The videos on my channel are purely for entertainment. I am not liable for any content displayed or discussed here. For advice or information, please seek a professional.
#crawlspacerepair #homerepair #canada #usa

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