Sabbath Message (Audio) Pt B for 26/07/47/120 – 28/09/2024 Part B

6 months ago

Sabbath Message for 26/07/47/120 – 28/09/2024 Part B

Sabbath 26/07/47/120B

Dear Friends,

As we said in the Sabbath Message, we will now produce an update for the Church on the situation regarding the future of the Church as CCG and also on the progress to the Wars of the End.

The Holy Spirit is working throughout Africa and the World proceeding from the South to the North as we explained was the case with Ezekiel’s prophecies and the Plan of God in the text Fire From Heaven (No. 028). Last year we had to induct over 12000 people and we thought that was good but it was only the start of the expansion of the work. So far we have inducted thousands this year to date and over the Feast of Tabernacles we received requests for induction from two church groups over Malawi and Botswana that numbered over 64 church groups in those nations and over 44,000 people there. So also we had previously commenced induction of the Church groups in Eritrea, Ethiopia and the Sudan with over 22 church groups there. That will involve over 88 church groups in Africa from Sudan to Botswana with over 70,000 people in less than twelve months. It will take a massive effort. God has begun to consolidate Africa on the way North and that effort will act as a warning and encouragement to the nations of the Northern Hemisphere.

So also we now have massive numbers all over the world and God has simply left the WCG offshoots to die on the vine. We are now about to see the West suffer WWIII and be dealt with in the Empire of the Beast. They will repent or face the Witnesses and begin to die.

The wars are moving steadily onwards. The Feast of Tabernacles in 2024 under the Temple Calendar ran from beginning 15th of the Seventh Month which was 17 September to the Last Great Day 24 September 2024. The demons were not allowed to prevent that Festival from occurring among the elect and were obliged to hold the war until after dark 24 September 2024 in the eastern Pacific .

Naval Forces were deployed in the Middle East before this period. Over the Feast the 101st Airborne division was deployed to the Middle East. Iran has deployed its proxies in Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis in Yemen and then also in Syria.
Israel is preparing to invade Lebanon. Permission has been granted to use US missiles against Russia which has forced Russia to threaten nuclear war, and they are now on alert. As we said in Conduct of the War of the Sixth Trumpet (No. 141C_2) this will result in a three pronged attack into Europe. God has said that will result in the death of a third of mankind (Rev. 9:13-18). With the vaxx wars of the Fifth Trumpet, which is ongoing, two thirds of mankind will be dealt in twelve months or so. Nobody listens or repents. Here are some links:
Hal Turner Radio Show - 101st Airborne Division of U.S. Army Arrives in Middle East

ALL OUT WAR? The United States Sends Ground Troops To Middle East As Rapidly-Escalating Fight Between Israel And Hezbollah Threatens To Go Biblical • Now The End Begins

Israel will be forced to react to these threats and strike preemptively against Iran and Syria as we saw in Purim in the Last Days (F017iii). The Ayatollahs will activate the sleepers in Europe and all over the Middle East. That will result in civil war in Iran and the elimination of the Revolutionary Guard and the Ayatollahs there and that will spread into Iraq and consolidate into a thrust through Greece into the Balkans.

China will invade Taiwan and then prepare for the greatest naval battle in human history in the South China Sea and the Northern Pacific. The naval forces are being deployed now. The West will mobilise or be shot, and migrant communities will be placed in camps.

Prepare to simply survive. Trust in God and stand in awe and cease to sin.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General

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