Review of Halloween Movie Novelization 1978 Horror Classic

4 months ago


John Carpenter's classic 1978 film Halloween, is, simply put, the greatest horror movie ever made. It set the standard for all modern horror films, and holds up incredibly well even today as a wonderfully terrifying and atmospheric experience. I recently watched an episode of the Netflix series The Movies That Made Us on the background and making of this iconic film (Season 3, Episode 1, if you're interested), where I learned several interesting details about the movie that I didn't know, like how Donald Pleasence (what an incredible actor; may he rest in peace) hated that he had to be in the movie, and sometimes drank entire bottles of wine and showed up to shoot scenes for Carpenter in an inebriated state.

The film was made on an incredibly small budget of $300,000 USD, at a time when other higher profile films had budgets of $15 million and up, and none of the big film studios were interested in making it, resulting in it being independently produced and distributed. It went on to become an unexpected box office sensation, grossing $70 million and going on to spawn an entire franchise that will stand at thirteen films in 2022 when Halloween Ends is released.

The book, Halloween, is author Curtis Richards' 1979 novelization of the movie. It's become rare, and at the time of this writing online sellers are asking anywhere from $500 to over $1200 for a copy, which to me is absolutely crazy. If you can find a cheap copy of it, however, definitely pick it up, because it's an amazing book. Richards manages to brilliantly reconstruct the constant atmosphere of dread present in the movie. The insight into what is going on inside Michael Myers' head and the placement of the story into Michael Myers' perspective when he stalks his prey combine to add a chilling additional layer to the experience that you don't get from the film.


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