A boy flees from Buckingham Palace, naked, trying to escape his tormentors – a scandal!

5 months ago

Whoever is looking for truth is familiar with this situation: There is a link or a post sharing a brand-new discovery and you think: Wow, someone‘s finally uncovering what we thought to be true for a long time!
But watch out: A war on information is waging! In other words this means, false news or news that are half-true are deliberately being circulated. If these are shared to the hundreds of thousands of people and later prove to be false, this is just what the self-appointed fact-checkers and mainstream media have been waiting for.
That‘s the reason why at Kla.TV, we have been checking the origins of every source, their credibility and accuracy since 2012. Lois Sasek, production manager of Kla.TV, just recently recalled once again a principle at staff training as follows.

Lois Sasek, Kla.TV Production Manager:
“There was this fantastic report about a journalist at Buckingham Palace who coincidentally took a photo of a boy escaping from ritual abuse. But you need to always check carefully whether there is a source or if it’s just some version you take without checking. In this case be sure to write: “Please check!” – we have to be careful!
Because this is an example where they deliberately tried to foist false information on us – it took us two years to investigate the picture with the boy, because we simply didn’t know the source. We couldn’t verify it, and then we found out it was a staged photo, a film shoot, simply trying to lead us on a wrong track. And unfortunately, many investigative journalists have fallen for it. And that gives the chance to ridicule the whole issue: “It's all fake, isn’t it?” Do you understand?
And I have to say, Kla.TV is so good at checking sources. A lot of free investigative journalists say: “Oh cool, look!” And then it is very dangerous, they can be wiped out right from the start. We really have to make sure to always be careful: Wait a moment, that sounds fantastic, but can it really be true? Do you know what it cost me not to show the picture for two years… I thought: This is the bomb! Because I do have witnesses from Buckingham Palace! But when you bring such a photo, it‘s a real catch and the other side knows it. It’s a war, let‘s not forget that.”

The following contribution of the investigative educator from South Africa, which is Reyno De Beer from the Liberty Fighters Network shows that we are faced worldwide with a challenge. He gives more insight on the magnitude of this worldwide war on information.

Reyno De Beer from the Liberty Fighters Network:

For example, we receive information on our sites daily. There are people who just post something that is in line with our thinking and with our pursuit and without checking the facts.

I’m not here saying go to a fact checker. Gosh people, you have gone through a period of three years or so with the COVID-19 lockdown and you’ve become good researchers. That’s a very good thing that came out of this entire COVID-19 pandemic lockdown that we went through. It created new researchers, you who’s listening to this. But unfortunately, just because something is in line with our thinking and our end goal, people just bluntly accept it as the truth and then they circulate it in the thousands over social media and other platforms accepting it as the truth but that is exactly how our enemies operate.

They create something that is totally phony and they know that we are very gullible at this point in time, that we accept it as a truth and that we're going to distribute it so that when it comes out and at the right time, when people start referring to that information that has been fabricated by our enemies, then they go out and they've got to prove that it does not exist or it’s not like that, what the narrative or the information says and then they ridicule everyone in our group of activists. So it’s not only you that's ridiculed, it’s all of us who are then said, oh you know what, the awakened “group” is a bunch of tinfoil actors, conspiracy theorists. Because they intentionally provide us with fake information which is in mind with our thoughts and we don’t go and check it, we don't go out and see whether it’s actually the truth.

For example, Donald Trump, there are still people believing that he is the savior of the world but they have never done research about his background. If they had done proper research about his background, they would have realized that he's a Jesuit. Now what is the order of Jesuits? It’s an order of very influential people created by the Roman Catholic Church to assist the Roman Catholic Church to eventually get rid of Protestantism so that all the Christians belong to one big faith, Catholicism.

And with these types of politicians, I always say it’s not what they are doing and what they are saying in public. It’s what they are not doing that makes me suspicious about them. For example, Donald Trump, while he was the president of the United States of America, he was the president in the middle of the COVID-19 alleged pandemic. So if our thoughts are that there were a lot of irregularities with COVID-19, then he was in the position to have exposed it. But he came out with how good Ivermectin, for example, is. So he confirmed by coming out, he confirmed that there is a virus, he confirmed that there is a pandemic. All the stuff that we as a group most probably say is very suspicious and could be that there were no such events.

And if I reiterate that it’s for you to go and do the research. Don’t just accept what I’m saying. Although everything that Liberty Fighters Network is doing, we do put the proof, the actual proof on our website. Go and have a look, go and Google our name, go and see, read the court cases that have been published about us, so that you can see and experience the work that we’re doing.

So people are actually forwarding this stuff. And now on the one side, people say, oh, yeah, but we are forwarding it because we want to check whether what this person is saying is going to come out to be the truth. But you are actually fuelling this information. You are fuelling by forwarding it without checking. At least you should then put a note to that and say that‘s unconfirmed, please check.

Then people will know that it’s not to be accepted as the truth. They must first go and check. But people don't do that. It’s simply forwarded thousands of times to various people and they believe that someone is actually doing something about the banking corruption or this organization is doing. So they just simply relax and think that, okay, they are doing it.

Unfortunately, that is happening regularly. And what I tell people is, make sure that when you forward information, number one, go and investigate yourself, go and Google it, go to DuckDuck-Go or whatever search engine you use, go and consult it. Go and check whether there is a reasonable apprehension that that could be the truth. Go and check who forwarded it to you. Is there a name? If there's no name attached to it, don’t circulate it.
If there's no name, if there’s no date, if there’s no website attached to it, if there’s no venue, and you cannot go and check whether this person actually exists… If a person does not want to give his name in forwarding this, ignore. There’s a reason why this person does not want to give his name. If he or she is a real activist, he will not care or she will not care to attach his or her name to that information because his name or her name is the stamp of approval on that news. Go and check it. Very important, please. Don’t circulate something that you cannot confirm yourself.

And if you are not sure and you have thought about it for a long time and you think that that information must be shared with others, put in there, “accusations not confirmed”. So that others, please check.

Be careful of agents and operatives and spies deliberately and intentionally putting information in front of you, which is not going to help us at all. It’s so essential that we have to check these things in our pursuit to our true liberation. Please check this, confirm, and I’ll obviously make other videos about similar subjects. Please like this, forward this to others or to share if you like it. That will also help us with the algorithm on YouTube. Stay safe, God bless. Liberty Fighters Network.

from sl. / ts.
Kla.TV-Training Day (July 13th, 2024)

Reyno De Beer from Liberty Fighters, South Africa:
„The Age of Disinformation“

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