4 months ago

Israel, Palestine and Lebanon.

The history of Israel and Palestine spoken by Netanyahu with Jordan Petersen. Excellent and most important. (11mins)

The JESUIT OATH tells it all.

If they don't say “JESUIT”,
they're on the PAYROLL blackmailed, or in the dark.

Extract from Jesuit extreme oath of induction - understand the psych of the puppet masters behind the NWO great reset.

"I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus”

Prof Eric Jon Phelps historian on the Jesuit American controls.

Prof Leuren Moret -nuclear scientist and Prof Alfred Lambremont Webre International War Crimes Judge on the Templar’s and Jesuits’ world controls.

JESUIT methods - JFK - historian Prof EJ Phelps (7 mins)
Eric Jon Phelps - A Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy Led by the Jesuits of Rome. “Your words inspire others... “

Vanguard, Blackrock, Al Aladdin and the takeover of global wealth. How the MASS MEDIA LIES and why?

Social Credits Points System in China. How it works (19mins).

Russia is controlled by the Jesuits. Historian Prof Eric Jon Phelps

Alex Jones, Trump and Bosi will be useful to start and seem good for now. They give hope for democracy but if they don’t become a "Joe Stalin”, others will depose or assassinate them.

In one way or another the Jesuits and the other secret societies/global Corporations seek to create the Roman Jesuits’ DARK AGES now by GMO DOWNGRADE and a FEAR BASED communist SOCIAL CREDITS POINTS (SCPS) society rife with informers.

Class distinction by GMO, SCPS and infertility.
Neither Trump nor Bosi are using the word “JESUIT”. They blame the lower level complicit Freemasons but avoid the Roman knight at the top.

Both men are fully aware.
They prefer to use vague terms such as “Globalists” and “Deep State”. They avoid naming the true culprits.

They wrongly claim it would “cause damage”. How-so?
The reality is that naming would awaken the world into identifying the base enemies of mankind. How can victory be possible without an identification of the enemy or the hidden problem.

These type are termed “double agent”, “controlled opposition” and “gatekeeper”.

The JESUITS secret society are the uppermost level enemies and controllers of the GMO downgrade of humankind.

The planet is now plagued by glyphosate poison food, deliberately chemtrailed skies with DNA altering nanobot particles, brain damaging fluoride, 5G tower frequencies, self forming Covid Jab Graphene hydroxide nano computers in the human blood, hormone altering plastics, poisoned water and electronic device 5G emf attacks and addiction, Plus more.....

Large scale HAARP weather weapons are targeting entire populations disguised as storms. On a smaller scale, every lithium battery is being used as a weapon against the populace. One of the most addictive and deadly is the iPhone with its flat array antennae. The cities are saturated by intelligent emf phone and electronic device emissions used for Artificial Intelligence (AI) brain control, sickness and human suppression.

This is the new warfare. !
Just like the seedless watermelon and other fruit, a new human race of slaves is desired by 200 controlling bloodlines inside corporations, institutions, Monarchies, sultanates, banks and industry.

The new, changed earth has suffered 30% atmospheric HAARP weather weaponry damage and 40% nuclear Nth Pacific global ocean damage from Fukushima nuclear reactor radiation.

The end game is “planet depopulation” followed by a social reengineering for the GMO class division of humanity and SCPS controls by AI biometrics applications.

Hundreds of underground cities have been built on most continents and a surface genocide is already under way.

Gang violence will explode with scarcity of food and city blackout weapons. Plus Artificial Intelligence (AI) induced mind control violence. Communist

Those responsible are the Jesuits secret society, the planet’s Royal families, bankers, high religious leaders, energy magnates, Learning institution heads, heads of the mass media, Sultanates, military industrial complex leaders and corporation leaders. All paediphile compromised. During the reign of the Obama/Clinton administration, the planet was hijacked by homosexual leaders. Most of these are paedophiles and rely on blackmail for power.

All of the above controllers are blood related. They operate through the secret societies. They control the secret services, special forces, black Ops assassins, robotics and have propagandised all the worlds learning institutions. Particularly the medical, military and religious institutions.

The Chinese president has made himself the sole leader and assumed dictatorship of Australia greatest threat, China. Still, China is appeased by the West. Meanwhile, America and all the democratic West is being weakened by WOKE homosexual laws, propagandised fake mainstream news, university indoctrinated, opinionated, grown babies used as politically ‘correct’ silencing weapons.

The Antarctic has become the world HQ for mind control emf emitting ‘denial’ and ‘ ‘apathy’ global frequencies. This works in tandem with intelligent satellites. The Van Allen’s Belt is controlled from the nth and sth poles. The earth’s vibration frequencies have been deliberately changed.

Satellites have saturated space with Artificial Intelligence control frequencies and unprecedented global weapons sophistication. Who controls space, controls the world.

Staying positive is a must because high morale is critical. Laughter is good medicine but staying real, healthy and alive, is even more important. Awareness makes for better decisions.

Vaccines are a BIOWEAPON - Military documents confirmed. Karen Kingston Pfizer whistleblower.
https://rumble.com/vssrb0-karen-I kingston-shock-darpa-docs-and-receipts-fauci-funded-gain-of-function-.html

KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov- 1984. (13min)

Zach Hubbard has the Jesuits clearly in his sights and doesn't hold back.

The world is witnessing one of the greatest human die-offs in history. MERRITT PALEVSKY ZELENKO * NWO

Rumble vIdeo JimT62 (6mins)

* Dr Barry Trower directional weapons expert - British Navy.
* Prof Alfred Lambremont Webre - International war crimes Judge.
* Prof Leuren Moret - nuclear scientist and geoscientist UCLA.
* Reveals the Jesuits.
* Prof Dane Wiggington geoscientist. Reveals Chemtrails geoengineeringwatch.org
* Prof Eric Jon Phelps - historian, author of “Vatican Assassins”.
* Prof Walter Veith historian, video series “Total Onslaught”.
* Dr Reiner Fuellmich Nuremberg II a trail Judge and lawyer. Enquire into mRNA global genocide.
* International War Crimes Judge Alfred Lambremont Weber “Exopolitics”
* David Icke - Researcher & BBC paedophilia whistleblower.
* Dana Durnford nuclear scientist.
* King Edward VIII daughter Emily Elizabeth Windsor Cragg. Adolf Hitlers niece and cousin of Elizabeth II. Author of “Saints or sons of Perdition”.
* Laura Eisenhower - independent researcher, and granddaughter of US Pres Dwight Eisenhower.
* WWII veteran Jordon Maxwell
* Maria Zeee & Stew Peters - real media whistleblower revelations.
* WWII veteran TRW Inc agent William Tomkins. 5G & microchips whistle blower.
* US Airforce pilot Colonel Ben Livingston - Vietnam veteran , Chemtrails direct evidence.

The Father of weaponised weather. Ben Livingston
1st hand evidence. (30 mins)

Psychologist Jordan Petersen on Social Credits System in China. How it works.

The Jesuits.
Safe Communities group and Jim Taousanis author. (25min)

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