School Strike 4 Climate Demonstration. Auckland 27/ix 2024

5 months ago

The School Strike 4 Climate demonstration marched down Queen St. from Aotea Square to Britomart in Auckland CBD today.

Perhaps fifty people. Mostly school kids with a few environmentalists. Perhaps a dozen Amnesty International people in yellow shirts as well, significantly older generation.

The event wasn't well publicised which probably explains the low turnout. The chants were mostly about the environment and the RMA reforms, occasional references to the Treaty of Waitangi and in Maori.

The crowd were happy and smiley,engaging with passersby and waving to the camera. Police were placid, mostly seemed a bit bored.

All up a good demonstration of people expressing the political opinions peacefully.

The last time the kids demonstrated it was at the rotunda in Albert Park and they were heavily co-opted by the pro-Palestine demonstrators. Not this time.

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