They Say Never Again

1 day ago

Yet It Has Actually Happened Many Times Since Then In Many Different Countries. Not In The Same Way. Yet Still The Same. Death Of Countless Of Non Combatants & Civilians. Those Whom Would Sign Their Names On Bombs Meant To Kill Others Are Evil, Period, And They Should Never Be In Leadership or Advisory Roles In Modern Society. i Believe We Have Never Had As Many Evil People In Top Positions All Around The World As We Do Today. It Is A Sad State Of Affairs To Have Let What Could Be Our Golden Age Ruined By Such Criminal Greedy Selfish Heartless Excuses For Humans As We Have Running & Operating Most Everything In 2024. With No Outlook, Hope Or Plan To Remove Their Tyranny From Our Civilization.

They Are "Them". Everyone Always Asks, "Well Who Is The Mysterious "They" ?.
Some Direct You to Names You Never Heard Of People You Can't Touch. When The Fact Is, "They" Are Your Neighbors. They Are Everywhere, All Around You Working For Saturn. They Make The Beast System's Wheels Turning & Greased With The Blood, Sweat & Tears Of The Rest Of You. They Gravitate Towards Positions That Give Them Power Over You And The Ability To Abuse Others "Legally". They Are The Wolves, And Most Of You Are The Sheep. Many Of The Sheep Help The Wolves, Because The Wolves Don The Disguise's Of The Shepard. Then There Are Us Sheep Dogs, Barking Our Warnings Of The Wolves In Sheep Clothing. However Most The Sheep Have Been Following The Wolves To Slaughter For So Long. They Don't Understand The Sheep Dog. They Baaa Baa To Themselves About The Crazy Dog Over There Making All That Noise, And Either Attack or Ignore Him. While The Wolves Laugh And Eat It Up.

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