What to Do for the Congested Patient: Nebulized 20% Acetylcysteine Solution

5 months ago

Upper Respiratory Illness is the #1 reason patients encounter the medical system. Despite that, there is no good treatment for URI/congestion. Antibiotics are routinely given when we all know the patient doesn't have a pneumonia. Over the counter tylenol/guifenascin, pseudophedrine either don't work or have harmful side effects. Allow me to introduce 20% nebulized acetylcysteine solution, a commercially available prescription medication that oddly enough no one prescribes. Local walgreens, walmart etc will tell me they don't keep it in stock because I'm the only one who prescribes it! Thus Iron DPC patients are encouraged to watch this lecture and learn about it and always keep a nebulizer and the 20% acetylcysteine solution on hand because when mucous hits its all you can think about and it is not easy to aquire!

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