11 days ago

Words of Encouragement, Thursday Sept 26th 2024


How many times did Jesus utter of the phrase; "To him that has ears to hear, let him hear." OR a similar statement; " Anoint your eyes...that you might see." The idea was that we don't see or understand everything. And we should want to see or hear enough to ask Him.

There is a place between the extremes of on one side, actual conspiracy "theory's" and on the other side, the unveiling of actual (yet hidden or secret) "facts" or truth. One of the reasons God chooses dreams to speak to people, is because in a dream or vision, He can bypass our limited earthly wisdom, and our sometimes "cognitive dissonance," (our unwillingness to believe something outrageous) to reveal unseen important truths, not only for our own benefit, but for the benefit of others.

If you were God, and you truly and deeply Loved people, all people, and you had a set day for your second appearing to the earth, what would you be doing right now? Well there is one basic answer, "Preparation." You would simply want people to be ready. It is not in the heart of God to surprise people in such a way that they're unprepared for what comes next. Especially when what comes next is eternity.

So put yourself in the place of God for just a moment. Allow yourself to think about what would need to happen to wake people up? I believe that God's judgment call on how to answer that question, is different for each person. But it is also something that God looks at nationally, internationally, and globally. How is God waking up your city? How is God waking up your family? How is God waking up your country? How is God attempting to wake up and prepare Africa, Asia, Mexico, and the Middle east? And finally, how is God attempting to wake up you?

God's judgments are indeed falling. And I don't mean His punishments or wrath. I mean He is making a "Judgment-call" right now, which is simply this:

"God is exposing things right now in a measured way, in order to PREPARE people for the ultimate day of full exposure."

We call that day "The Judgment Day."

Revelation 20:11-13
"Then I saw a Great White Throne and Him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from His Presence, and there was no place for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the Throne, and Books were opened. Another Book was opened, which is The Book of Life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the Books. The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and hell gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done."

Although in some cases there may be punishments and even severe consequence involved for those who have given themselves over fully to evil, the truth is (with very few exceptions), as long as a human being is alive, God is working in Mercy to save them. How many have been saved while sitting jail cells? Or while on their death beds? Death marks the end. However, as long as there's life and breath, there is hope for salvation.

Mark it down that this is also a truth, all things will come to an end. A person's life. Our actions and belief systems while here on earth. We are not suffered to live on forever on this earth. We will transfer into an eternal state of being.

"It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27). God will absolutely bring all things to a conclusion. And what kind of God would He be, what kind of character wiuld He posess, if He did not have in his heart a desire to awaken people to that final day of "Full Exposure" without sufficient?

Let us understand that the exposures that are happening right now, are actually evidence of Gods Mercy and Love towards humanity. Man still has a choice. Heaven or hell. Life or death eternal. That truth has never changed no matter if our culture, or even Christians, refuse to tolerate it or acknowledge it as one of Gods revealed Truths.

Gods judgment-calls that are happening on the earth right now, are meant to move our hearts to tenderness, humility, repentance, and walking in full agreement with the ways of the Father and His Son.

Time definitely is running out. We can see the evidence of it all around us. It is a right and holy thing to be prepared for what comes next. Because what comes next is nothing less than the appearance of the Eternal Son of Man, the King of The Universe! And just like Jesus raised up a single forerunner named John the Baptist, to usher people into the Kingdom of God, even before the fist coming of His Son, God is raising up an entire "John the Baptist Generation" at this time, to wake up the planet and prepare them for His Second Coming.

Exposure is ultimately the Mercy of God to lead men and women to repentance. What has been mostly a trickle in the past, is about to burst forth as a mighty stream. The best way we can prepare for this exposure, is to simply fall on our faces before God, repent and turn from our sinful ways, and ask for His Mercy and Forgiveness.

Then we can get up and begin to walk daily for Him.

Luke 8:17
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad." ~ Jesus

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