Matthew 10 – Why were the disciples told to say that the kingdom "is at hand?"

3 months ago

Mat 10:7 "And as you go, preach, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.'

The term, "the kingdom of heaven" is a reference to the kingdom that Elohim will set up on earth (Dan 2:44). Here is an area that is difficult to interpret. Why were the disciples told to say that the kingdom "is at hand?" The disciples were preaching this news. If that is the case, then why didn't the kingdom come? The answer is actually that the kingdom is here in the presence of His people who, through the Spirit of the Father, are obedient to Him and honor Yeshua as Messiah (Rev1:5-6, 5:9-10).

The problem is that the people in that day rejected Him as King. Yeshua said that if they would accept the kingdom, then John the Baptist is Elijah who was to come (Matt. 11:12-14). But the people did not recognize John as Elijah, therefore the Son of Man was killed (Matt. 17:10-13). John was truly the return of Elijah as spoken by the prophet Malachi (Mal. 4:4-6). This is testified in Luke also (Luke 1:16-17). John's message was to return to Torah (Matt. 3:1-3)

River Valley Torah Assembly

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