holy sh*t, this dude blows your guitar heroes out of the water

24 days ago

Matt.jsltan was within the top contributors of the now defunct indie music platform Fandalism of philip kaplan. his first taste of fame arrived as a Cream Jack Bruce wannabee as founder-member of a cream-hendrix clone band and power trio oddly named Fried Ice, that was a pub night favorite with the British and Australian Naval Bases in Changi , Sembawang, Singapore and the Singapore American School. On his first and only trip to England he met Jeff Beck after literally hijacking the guitar superstar and getting to chat with Jeff as he parked his red stingray by the curb in Paddington. this memorable meeting with Jeff who stopped at the zebra-crossing at Westborne Terrace, Paddington, inspired the indie artist to name his first indie casette album ZbraXing *zebra crossing, that was reviewed in a UK FM magazine where the reviewer, clueless of a wang-bar, confused how he "was able to slow the speed of the music while keeping the vocals in pitch" and judged it as "either a work of genius or very bad guitar playing". Fast forward to 2022, nothing's changed, still uncompromising and even more out of the box being inspired by a trinity of guitar heroes, Mahavishnu Orchestra John McLaughlin, Jeff Beck and Jimi Hendrix. The question still remains, is his music a work of genius or just very bad guitar playing? You decide! Voice your opinion in the comments. If you like the music, please share, follow and subscribe. SHARE THE JOY, KEEP THE FAITH, SPREAD THE WORD.
NOTE.. all the music is performed by the man, who is composer, musician and producer. Like Jeff, matt.jsltan plays without a plectrum, using all 10 fingers like a classical guitarist.

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