Something 'SMELLS FISHY'....

6 months ago

Good afternoon Guys!

I just finished a LIVE on YouTube and I am gonna SHARE IT far and wide on ALL THINGS THE #trumpassassinationattempts as an #OctoberSurprise for; #votes #teaandsymapthy over Donald J. Trump's piss-poor performance at the ONE AND ONLY DEBATE THAT HE AND Kamala Harris had on ABC News not long ago!

Thus, in order to, change the narrative there. OR the U. S. Federal Government and its Holdings and Subsidiaries in the dispensing of #LawAndOrder are directly or indirectly at fault by looking the other way while #iranianhitsquads line up Donald Trump in their #gunsights for targeted assassination and folks like Dan Bongino KNOW ALL ABOUT IT TO AND ARE EITHER UNABLE OR UNWILLING TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT BECAUSE THEY HELPED TO FACILITATE IT????

Your thoughts?


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