US Turns to Japan After German Defeat 1945

4 months ago

Part 1, Sec. of State Stettinius, Anthony Eden, Molotov, and Mackenzie King meet in San Francisco. Shows lights going on in New York City and Washington, D.C., as blackouts are lifted. Part 2, a Chinese orphan is adopted by the 14th Air Force. Part 3, survivors are taken from a bombed hospital ship. Part 4, President Truman greets his mother at the White House. Part 5, Gen. Montgomery accepts the surrender of German troops in Germany. Part 6, Gen. Jodl surrenders to Gen. W.B. Smith in France. Gen. Eisenhower is present.

Office for Emergency Management. Office of War Information. Overseas Operations Branch. New York Office. News and Features Bureau. (12/17/1942 - 09/15/1945)

* World War, 1939-1945
* Eden, Anthony, Earl of Avon, 1897-1977
* Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969
* King, William Lyon Mackenzie, 1874-1950
* Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich, 1890-
* Montgomery of Alamein, Bernard Law Montgomery, Viscount, 1887-1976
* Smith, Walter Bedell, 1895-1961
* Stettinius, Edward Rielley
* United Nations Conference on International Organization (1945 : San Francisco, California). (04/25/1945 - 06/26/1945)
* New York (New York state, United States, North and Central America) inhabited place
* Washington (District of Columbia, United States, North and Central America) inhabited place

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