ARREST REWARD FUND -- for tips that lead to an arrest of anyone attempting to alter the election.

4 months ago

INTEGRITY REWARD PROGRAM: This video, recorded on Sept 22, 2024 at Trump National, Jupiter FL, is the first time President Trump learned of Operation Eyeball's innovative efforts to assist the Election Integrity around the country. These efforts include a CASH REWARD FUND being collected from generous conservatives around the country to reward individuals for reporting suspicious activity regarding the election. This includes all forms of meddling, interference, illegal voting, etc. To qualify for the reward, an arrest and conviction must be made as a result pf the tip.

"In my heart, I believe honest people would not hesitate to turn dishonest people in to the authorities," comments Paul Beran, Operation Eyeball Executive Director, "...but sometimes they need an extra incentive to get involved. What we're really counting on..." Beran continues, "are dishonest people turning other dishonest people in, just to get a piece of the reward! I'm actually okay with that. As long as it breaks up their operation and we get an honest election as a result!"

To learn more about OperationEyeball and their various Election Integrity initiatives, and to donate, go to Tips can be reported to ""

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