Did the Anons and Influencers Get It Wrong? What is the Scare Event? (Part 2) September 26th 2024

5 months ago

Did the Anons and Influencers Get It Wrong? What is the Scare Event? (Part 2) September 26th 2024

In this video, I explore the possibility that there is more to the puzzle beyond what the Q movement and various influencers have told us over the past seven years. Could we be missing a vital piece? It’s time to consider the *scare event* that may affect all of us—yes, even the awakened patriots. This event could be a shock to everyone, including those who thought they understood the narrative. I’ll delve into speculation on what this scare event might look like, and how it could challenge the expectations of those waiting for a quick and happy resolution to this ongoing story. Is there a plot twist none of us saw coming? Let’s think logically and prepare for what’s next.

scare event, Q puzzle, great awakening, patriots, Q movement, plot twist, future events, awakened patriots, influencers, Q speculation, puzzle beyond Q, scare event prediction, truth movement, political events, hidden agenda, plot twist, deep state, global events, anons, influencers, conspiracy theories, political puzzles, logic, critical thinking, fear event, Q community, patriot movement, scare event speculation

#ScareEvent #PatriotMovement #QPuzzle #Anons #AwakenedPatriots #PlotTwist #ThinkLogically #TruthMovement #ConspiracyTheories #FutureEvents #QCommunity #Awakening #HiddenAgenda #DeepState

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