Jurassic Africa

22 days ago

A great documentary about living dinosaurs, from the youtube channel, Crypto Hunt. Run by the famous atheist turned creationst, William Gibbons. Primarily, this documentary focuses on mokele mbembe, the most famous dinosaur cryptid of Africa. According to reports from natives, foreign explorers and missionaries. It's a living sauropod dinosaur, about the same size as an elephant on average. In the not to distant past, a fossilized sauropod was discovered in the mokele mbembe's home range, of identical size and extremely similar to the same appearance as mokele mbembe. The dinosaur was named Cameroonosaurs, for the country it was found in. And more recently, another elephant sized sauropod was discovered in Egypt. But obviously, this is all a coincidence. Because mainstream scientists never lie or make mistakes, right 😉? Viva Cristo Rey and Ave Maria everyone stay safe.

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