Gal Luft是中共代理人,他的智库和前CIA局长James Woosley的每年72,000美元的合约是个幌子。

20 days ago

9.14.2024 Subverting the West - Useful Idiots | WHISTLEBLOWERS with AVA CHEN
华盛顿的智库全球安全分析研究所的董事Gal Luft被指控为中共的”未注册代理人“的起诉书中指出,该智库和前CIA局长James Woosley的每年72,000美元的合约是个幌子。
Gal Luft, director of the Washington think tank Institute for Global Security Analysis, was accused in an indictment of being an "unregistered agent" of the Chinese Communist Party, the think tank's $72,000-a-year contract with former CIA Director James Woosley was a cover.

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