Mentioned You In Power To Triumph || The Carnal Man Is At Best Selfish || September 25, 2024

9 days ago

Sunny Adeniyi Ministries Presents Power To Triumph - Streamed Live on September 25, 2024

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Word 1
HOW IT ALL STARTED - THE BEGINNING . || Gen 10:1-32 - 11:4
* Gen 10:1-32 The genealogy gives us a true, and the only true account of the origin of the several nations of the world. 2, It discovers and distinguishes from all other nations, the people in which God’s church was to be preserved, and from which Christ was to come. 3, It explains and confirms Noah’s prophecy concerning his three sons, and makes the accomplishment of it evident. 4, It enables us to understand many other parts of Scripture.

Word 2
HOW IT ALL STARTED - THE BEGINNING . || Gen 10:1-32 - 11:4
* Gen 11:1 The descendants of Noah, united by the strong bond of a common language, had not separated, and notwithstanding the divine command to replenish the earth, were unwilling to separate. The more pious and well-disposed would of course obey the divine will; but a numerous body, seemingly the aggressive crowd mentioned (Gen_10:10), determined to please themselves by occupying the fairest region they came to. The carnal Man would always want to walk away from God.

Word 3
HOW IT ALL STARTED - THE BEGINNING . || Gen 10:1-32 - 11:4
* Gen 11:2-4 The plain is in the land Shinar. There lies the origin of Babel (Gen_10:8-10 ) and idolatry (Zec_5:5-11 ). Here people want to make a joint effort: they want to build a city with a tower that serves as a bridge to reach the sky. There seems to be interest in God. It is remarkable that the first builders of cities, both in the old world (Gen_4:17 ) and here in the new world, are not men of the best character or the best name. What is happening here is the contemporary professing Christianity to the core. The nominal Christians want to be included, they want their opinion to be taken into account in political issues and decision-making. But having a big name on earth does not automatically mean that that name is also written down in heaven, as seen here. They were all about themselves, selfish and not seeking God's will.

Personal Supplication
Father, help me to live selflessly, seeking Your will in Jesus' name! Php 2:4
Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

Daily Covenant Favor Declaration
I decree in the name of Jesus, from this moment forward, I see myself the way God sees me. I am highly favoured of the Lord. I am crowned with glory and honour. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
I am reigning as a king in life through the one man Jesus Christ


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