Andrew Johnson- The Gatekeepers

6 months ago

Guest Andrew Johnson discusses free energy and other technologies that have been keep hidden by those who stand to benefit from controlling the narrative. Andrew, formerly a spokeman for 911 Architects and Engineers, is a proponent of Dr. Judy Wood and her book "Where Did The Towers Go?", suggesting that the same technology that was implemented on 9/11/01 can be linked to his own investigation into that of scientists around the world and throughout the decades who have had their findings suppressed in various ways. The issue of energy, like that of food and the money supply for example, has been a hotbed of controversy, beginning in recent generations with Nicola Tesla and including the work of Pons and Fleishman, Dr. Eugene Mallove, John Hutchison, Dr. Wood and myriad others who have been discredited or have even paid with their lives for delving into the study and dissemination of information related to free energy.

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