The Words We Use Lead Us To The Life We Live - a ‘Daily Inspiration’ meet up

3 months ago

Today we discuss our daily inspirational message for August 15: "The Words We Use Lead Us to the Life We Live.” You can review a written version below.

Please join us next time for our weekly group discussions based upon James Blanchard Cisneros 'Daily Inspirations.'
Daily Inspiration: August 15. The Words We Use Lead Us to the Life We Live – Condensed Version

Words have power. Today, let us focus on the words we use — not only the ones we verbalize, but also our internal dialogue. Words are verbal manifestations of thoughts. By verbalizing what we are thinking and feeling, we get a clearer picture of our internal condition. The genesis of our thoughts comes from whose guidance we follow. We have two primary guides: God who is Love, and the ego that represents fear. When we are aligned with God, our words are kind, gentle, forgiving, graceful, generous, loving and produce peace of mind, safety, comfort and joy. When we are aligned with the ego, our words become sarcastic, judgmental, hurtful and produce inner conflict, discomfort, pain, shame and guilt. By paying close attention to the words we are using we can figure out whose advice we are following.

Today, let us get a clearer picture of our internal condition by paying attention to the words we are using. There is no one who will speak to you more during your lifetime than you will. Silent as most of these words may be, you are healing or poisoning yourself with every thought you think and speak. Today, do not despair if you use words that are harsh, punishing or unkind. If this occurs, simply stop and recall that you have free will. Thanks to free will, in any moment, you can shift from fear to love, and from being unkind to kind. In doing so, you begin anew. Today, recall that as Love’s creation, you are here to use and share loving words. The more you do so, the sooner your words will help lead you to the life that you, as God’s child and creation, desire and deserve.
We are delighted to be holding weekly Zoom calls with James, the author of the Daily Inspiration messages and the book You Have Chosen to Remember. During each video call, James elaborates on a Daily Inspiration message from the previous week. There is also time for participants to ask questions and discuss the Daily Inspiration topics from the week before. The weekly Zoom calls with James are on Mondays at 7pm est.
We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like-minded people.
When: Mondays
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call.
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