Love, A Physical Sensation of God’s Embrace - a ‘Daily Inspiration’ meet up

11 hours ago

Today we discuss our daily inspirational message for August 30: "Love, A Physical Sensation of God’s Embrace.” You can review a written version below.

Please join us next time for our weekly group discussions based upon James Blanchard Cisneros 'Daily Inspirations.'
Today, take as many opportunities as you can to shift your focus away from this world’s confusion, conflict and chaos — and invite the peace and love of God in. When you are able to, sit down, close your eyes, and breathe slowly and deeply. Consciously relax each part of your body from head to toe. Then, for a few long, slow breaths, deeply breathe in God’s love for you, and fully exhale all of your stresses and worries out of your body. Feel and visualize all the love that you have experienced in this lifetime as a very large white energy field around you. This field represents and encompasses all the love that you have ever shared, felt and experienced, along with God’s love for you. Visualize and feel this bright and loving light filling up your whole room. Begin to absorb wave after wave of pure love and light deep into your body.

Truly feel this pure Divine love entering you, moving through your skin, and caressing every cell. Feel your heart, like a sponge, absorb God’s love. Then extend this love back to God. Visualize and feel wave after wave of love and light expanding from within you, from your heart, back out to God, back to this Loving Light. Then visualize and feel God, this Loving Light, returning these waves full of Divine love back to you. On each slow and deep breath in, feel love being absorbed into your body. On each slow and complete out-breath, feel yourself offering love back to God. Continue with this exchange for as long as you desire. Then send God wave upon wave of gratitude for His love. After that, feel wave after wave of God’s gratitude entering you, thanking you for choosing to be, represent and share the love that the Divine created you to be.
We are delighted to be holding weekly Zoom calls with James, the author of the Daily Inspiration messages and the book You Have Chosen to Remember. During each video call, James elaborates on a Daily Inspiration message from the previous week. There is also time for participants to ask questions and discuss the Daily Inspiration topics from the week before. The weekly Zoom calls with James are on Mondays at 7pm est.
We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like-minded people.
When: Mondays
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call.
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