mRNA Covid Vaccination – Causing Disease and Death? Interview with Ms. Dr. med. Ute Krüger

4 months ago

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome here from Berlin, Germany. My guest today is Dr. Krüger. Nice to have you here. Thank you for the invitation. Ms. Krüger, you didn't spare the time and effort to travel all the way from Sweden. Your plane landed in Berlin yesterday. Thank you for coming all this way. The reason is that you have published a book with the title “Geimpft –Gestorben” which means “Vaccinated and died”. It is a histopathological atlas on corona vaccination damage. And today we will talk about what insights you gained. But first, for viewers who may so far not be familiar with you, Could you tell us a few facts about yourself, where you come from, what you do and what ultimately brought you back here.

Dr. Krüger:
With pleasure. I am a specialist in pathology and have worked in this field of pathology for 25 years. Perhaps it is important for viewers to know that pathology is the study of diseases and a pathologist diagnoses diseases. And this diagnosis is often the basis for therapy. Pathologists are often associated with autopsies. Autopsies are certainly also part of the work of a pathologist. But in my job, that was only a very small proportion. So for the last 18 years, I've been primarily involved in the diagnosis of breast cancer. And I've been in Sweden for 20 years. I worked for 10 years in Växjö in southern Sweden in a clinic in the pathology department as a senior physician. And for the last four years of my work there, I was a medical director at the pathology department in Växjö. After that I went to Kalmar, which is also in southern Sweden, and was employed there as a senior physician. And at the same time, I was employed as a senior physician at a university hospital in Lund and did research on breast cancer. So that's my background.

You bring a wealth of experience with you. And that has also flowed into your book. Now it is a histopathological atlas. For me as a novice, and perhaps also for some of our viewers, that doesn't say much at first. What does histopathology mean?

Dr. Krüger:
Histopathology is two words. Histology is the study of tissue. And pathology, as we already mentioned, is the study of diseases. Histopathology means that the pathologist looks at the tissue sections under the microscope. So you can observe the tissue. You can see the pathological changes in the tissue, hence histopathology.

Okay. And this type of atlas is unique worldwide? Why exactly unique?

Dr. Krüger:
The book summarizes the findings of Professor Burkhardt, who re-examined about 90 autopsy cases. And here, we are talking about deaths that occurred in temporal connection with the coronavirus vaccinations. Professor Burkhardt had these cases sent to him. It was often the relatives who had in mind that these vaccinations could possibly be the cause of the death of their loved ones. And so in this book there are, on the one hand, the histological images, these histopathological images that we talked about. That's the image section here. And then there are the case descriptions at the back. In other words, all the cases are listed here, including previous history, vaccinations, how long it was until the patient died after vaccination and which vaccine was used. You can read all about it here in this case section. And such a compilation does not yet exist in the world.

I already looked at a few samples and excerpts from the atlas in preparation for this interview, and it's exactly as you describe. So for experts, colleagues from the field of pathology, as well as for someone who may not yet have dealt with it in such detail, there's something that's easy to get to grips with, precisely because the background story and the environment are described, making the whole thing easy to understand. So it was definitely a good opportunity for me to take a closer look at the subject. You have already mentioned that Prof. Arne Burkhardt has done a lot of research in this area. And you used pictures by Prof. Arne Burkhardt in your book. How did it come about that you met each other which resulted in this kind of collaboration?
Dr. Krüger:
Prof. Arne Burkhardt launched the first pathology conference in 2021 together with Mr. Becker, a lawyer. And Prof. Arne Burkhardt presented cases of death there that had occurred after these vaccines. And he said that if, as a pathologist, you thought you needed to take a closer look at the findings, if you were not completely convinced, then you should get in touch with him. And since I am curious by nature, I contacted him. And we looked at and discussed several cases together online, which led to a collaboration. We also met frequently at symposia and congresses. Most recently in January 2023 at a major congress in Stockholm, Sweden. What was of major importance to him which he adressed there, was that these findings be published. He said that I could use his pictures. And it was important that the public be informed about the occurences after the vaccinations. You only find two pictures by Prof. Burkhardt and the remaining 110 pictures of my own in the book. About a year ago, I went to Reutlingen to Prof. Burkhardt's institute, and looked at the cases there. And I chose the ones, the patterns that were best suited for this book. Prof. Burkhardt died suddenly in May last year. And I was very shocked and then wrote in the book of condolence that I would do everything I could to ensure that these findings were going to be made public. And now, I've been spending a year compiling the findings, gathering them into book.

You describe 57 cases of different kinds in the book. Could you give us a few examples so that we would get a better idea of it? How did you investigate, and what were your results and findings?

Dr. Krüger:
With pleasure. I've brought a few pictures with me. For example, here is a very tragic case of a 16-year-old girl. She really wanted to go on a school trip, so she wanted to get this vaccination, even though her mother said: Don't do it, it's not good. The mother works in the healthcare sector herself, but then she said: "Okay, I can understand my daughter." And she said: "Okay, do it." And after the second vaccination, the girl collapsed eight days later, she wasn't feeling well and collapsed at the dinner table and her mother resuscitated her. The girl was then admitted to hospital and died 22 days after this second vaccination. And here you can see the dissection of the girl's heart. In the area where the stars can be seen, you can see these brighter areas, and that is the tissue destruction in the heart muscle. You can still see a hemorrhage where the arrow is visible on the left side. And if you take a closer look, you can see the two arrows at the bottom, they show black dots. These are the lymphocytes, i.e. inflammatory cells in the heart muscle. And in the upper area, where it is more loose, there are scavenger cells and loose scar tissue. So this is multiple myocarditis.

And the heart looked like this in many places which is not compatible with life. Then I brought another case with me. This is a 22-year-old young man who was a swimming athlete and had a significant drop in performance after the second vaccination. He was no longer able to exercise and was then diagnosed with myocarditis. He was also given the prognosis that he would no longer be able to function as a competitive swimmer, that it would no longer be possible. He then bought a gun and shot himself. And in this heart, in the circle, you see that the number of inflammatory cells has very subtly increased, so there are too many of these black dots. This is very difficult for a neophyte to see, it is designed in the book in such a way that one finding is really clear and one finding is very subtle. And you see that very subtle changes have such a strong impact on quality of life. And in the next picture which also shows a cut from the heart of this young patient or deceased person, you can see these lighter areas that you can see here in the picture that are the scars that developed after these inflammations. And that is important: Such minimal changes can have such a big impact on the quality of life. That is very important to see. I'm sure you've also seen professional footballers collapse on television. Yes. This is probably also related to the inflammation in the heart muscle. Then I brought another case with me.

This is a 61-year-old man who was vaccinated twice against Covid and who died 25 days after the second vaccination. Here you can see the dissection of the aorta. The aorta is the largest blood-carrying vessel in the body. And the actual muscular wall area of the aorta can be seen in the lower area. At the top, where this arrow is, you can see how the attached tissue is clearly widened. You can also see here this band-shaped, these dark dots forming in the shape of a band. These are inflammatory cells. Normally you cannot see that there. You can also see scar tissue. You can also see small, in the lower part, round changes in the muscular area. These are vascular proliferates which means small vessels grow in there. So it is scaring over. In this case the blood went its way through the wall and the man bled to death because the elasticity of this vessel wall was no longer there due to the inflammation. In addition, tissue destruction could also be seen. As well as a loss of elastic fibers, which enables the vessel to adapt to the pressure. Then I have another case of a 63-year-old woman who also died of an aortic rupture. In other words, exactly the same cause of death as the man before. We still have here these black changes as a secondary finding. This is a dissection in the lung, and you see these black dots everywhere. That's something I've never seen before, same for Prof. Burkhardt and Prof. Lang, who worked together with Prof. Burkhardt. They are both very experienced pathologists with many years of experience. They have never seen this before. And if you zoom in, you can see that this black material is inside the vessels. Whereas there should actually be blood in the vessels. This has certainly not led to improve the blood circulation.

With all these examinations and findings, which obviously led to the death of these people, how could you be sure? What made you suspicious that this came from the Covid vaccine? What was the link?

Dr. Krüger:
It is the temporal context, the time when the last Covid vaccine was administered and the time of death. This has mostly a relatively close temporal context. There are also other deaths where many months have gone by. But since recurring changes have been found in the body, it must be assumed that this vaccination was the cause for death.

Now you have always given examples of organs that have been damaged, such as the heart or blood vessels. Have you also noticed changes or impairments in other areas of the body?

Dr. Krüger:
There is also a case in this publication, this is a 60-year-old man. This is the only case in the publication that is not from Prof. Burkhardt, I had this case at Kalmar Hospital. I performed an autopsy on this deceased person. It was a patient with lymph node cancer. And while he was undergoing a permanent chemotherapy, receiving immunosuppressive treatment, which means that the immune system was downregulated by medication, he received two Covid injections during that time and died three months later. He developed paralysis all over his body shortly after the second vaccination, in other words, the picture of a so-called Guillain-Barré syndrome, which is frequently described as vaccine damage. And I have examined numerous nerve structures. For example, you can see here a nerve that emerges from the spinal cord. You can see this finger-shaped structure and all these dark dots everywhere. They shouldn't be there. They are all inflammatory cells. So this whole nerve is full of inflammatory cells. I've never seen anything like it, I showed it to neuropathologists, in other words, pathologists who primarily work with the brain, i.e. brain slices. They haven't seen it in this form either. So it wasn't just in the nerves, but here we have a dissection from the brain stem, for example. And here you can see this loosened area with stars. This is the destruction of a tissue. And between the two upper stars you can see a vessel, this vessel. Here you can also see these dark black dots everywhere. They shouldn't be there. The vessel is swollen, the wall is thick and around this vessel, there is this infarction, the destruction of this tissue. The brain stem is the control center of many vital functions. This ultimately led to death. I tried to publish this case in the British Medical Journal because I thought it was so interesting that it should be made public. So I spent six months trying to pass this case on to the British Medical Journal but I was told that I needed to change this or that wording. That I needed to incorporate this or that coloring. And after six months, I received an e-mail saying that in the meantime such a case had already been published and that they were no longer interested in publishing my case. Nevertheless, I published this case with two professors of neuropathology in another journal. However, you cannot find it with PubMed. PubMed being the search engine for doctors, you could say the Wikipedia of the doctors, and this case cannot be found there. So I wondered what can be found in this PubMed because up to this point, I thought this was actually the search engine for scientific publications.

When you are given the argument that such a case has already been published, that is not a proper argument to me. Because one case adding to another case, I think that it would be important to communicate that it's not just an isolated case. What is your view of their argumentation?

Dr. Krüger:
I think they were not interested right from the start. Because those who fund the British Medical Journal set a completely different course. They were simply not interested.

Let's get back to the Covid vaccine itself and the main diseases that you were able to identify in connection with it during your investigations. Which ones can you name?

Dr. Krüger:
What we have already looked at, myocarditis, is very common. Then the inflammation of the vessels, also very common. Foreign materials were found, which I have already shown. A loss of elastic fibers could be seen not only in the vessel walls, but also in the skin, for example. I don't know if you've perhaps noticed that when people receive this Covid vaccine several times, they age relatively quickly and this may have something to do with the fact that the elastic fibers in the skin disappear. So we have been able to prove that. Then blood clots occur. There are typical blood clots and atypical blood clots. With regards to these atypical blood clots, which we have not seen before, there are no red blood cells in the clot, for example. They are rubbery structures and, as I said, this has never been seen in this form before. And then autoimmune diseases. Prof. Arne Burkhardt has described this as lymphocyte amok. And this you can also see in all organs. This is not organ-specific, but it is present throughout the body and there are all kinds of different changes to be found. Then, of course, turbo cancer – which I had already suspected in 2021 to be linked to the vaccinations. However, this is not covered in the book because those who die of turbo cancer are often not autopsied. Because you know, right from the start it's a tumor disease. We don't need to look any further.

Has your scientific work you just showed us, have any impact on your career?

Dr. Krüger:
Yes, because I looked very carefully. I saw things at these histopathological steps that my colleagues at Kalmar Hospital, for example, did not see. There was a case, at that time I was heading a training in pathology and trained assistant doctors to become specialists in pathology. And so I had a junior doctor who came and said, he had a case here. It was a person with a tumor disease and the death had been sudden. It turned out that the death had a connection with the Covid vaccination. I looked at this heart and you could see an inflammation of the myocardium. There was a very subtle increase in lymphocytes in many places, i.e. inflammatory cells. However, the young colleague was of the opinion that it was so subtle, that it was not myocarditis. He then asked another pathologist from our circle of pathologists in Kalmar - and he got the confirmation, no, this is no inflammation. However, as I work with many pathologists worldwide, I discussed this case with other pathologists. And it turned out that it was myocarditis. And there were heated discussions at the medical meeting in Kalmar, because for me myocarditis was the cause of death. And this was in connection with the vaccinations against Covid. So I reported this case to the Swedish Medicines Agency, because every suspected case was to be reported. I was really attacked at this doctor's meeting as to why I was interfering with other cases and how I could register this case at all. I was told to withdraw my registration-application immediately. Then I said that this case would not belong to anyone, but that it was about clarifying what happens after these vaccinations and that I will not withdraw it. So my competence was called into question and I realized that I could no longer work in this field of medicine. Among other things, I also reported on the turbo cancer that I suspected in 2021 to be linked to these vaccinations. I then thought to myself that it makes no sense for me to diagnose tumors that another doctor may have caused with an injection. So I terminated and have done a lot of further training in recent years. I have opened my own practice now, a holistic practice, and I invite the viewers to take a look at my website.

That sounds exciting. I think it's definitely worth taking a look at your website. Let's get back to current events. According to the WHO, monkeypox, now called Mpox, has now broken out in some African countries. We also hear about bird flu from time to time. And the current plans are: We want to use mRNA vaccination technology to combat this alleged pandemic. But now I have received messages from you, and of course from many other scientists, telling the public to stay away from mRNA vaccination technology precisely because many side effects have occurred. You have once again vividly shown us. And at the same time, the WHO is now issuing this warning, this top warning level, that the production of mRNA vaccination technology should be ramped up. How does that fit together for you?

Dr. Krüger:
This doesn't really fit together for me, especially since it has for example been published that 11% of Pfizer's vaccines have very serious side effects as far as Covid is concerned and 21% for Moderna. So this means that 21% of people who receive this vaccination against Covid have severe side effects. And if you look at the fact that the mortality rate for Corona is less than one percent, I don't think the risk-benefit balance is right. There's something wrong, if you can put it that way. If you take the flu, for example, the flu vaccination, which is not based on this mRNA technology, There is a side effect rate of 0 to 4 % of severe side effects. The figure is up to 21% with this Covid vaccination, and what is important here is that this mRNA vaccine works in such a way that a gene code is applied. This means that a gene code is injected and our healthy body cells are induced to produce this spike protein. This is then presented on the cell surface and the other immune cells see the body's own cells as foreign cells and attack them. This is why you have these immune reactions that are very specific concerning these mRNA based vaccines.

I don't know what you think about it, but this principle, on which mRNA vaccines are based, is completely different from conventional vaccines we have known so far. Can you perhaps draw a line between somehow? Can you call it a vaccine?

Dr. Krüger:
So I wouldn't call it a vaccine, it's liquids that are applied. Because the benefit of this so-called vaccination is very small. And when I look at how much damage they cause, they should be taken out of circulation altogether. I would also be very careful with all other upcoming mRNA-based vaccines, they have not been adequately tested. This will then lead to the same side effects.

Yes, you definitely have to take that into account, especially in the media reports, you hear this is simply a new, modern, advanced possibility of vaccination. You cannot make it that easy. It is something completely new, which has not had good reports, which is not glorious, if I may say so.

Dr. Krüger:
Absolutely correct, yes.

Let's get back to your book. You said that you put a lot of time and work into it. What reactions do you hope for when it goes into circulation? It is ready for print and will be available soon. What kind of public reaction are you hoping for?

Dr. Krüger:
I hope that the pathologists, the specialists in pathology or forensic medicine, will look at these findings and that they will understand that the findings can be very subtle. So that means you really have to search. You can't just push through the dissections and say: "Oh, I don't see anything." You really have to search. And as I said earlier, a very small and subtle finding can lead to a huge change in the quality of life. So it's really important to look for it. That's one thing that the pathologists are more or less awakened for what else could exist. Because it's often the case: If you don't know about it, you don't see it. And then, of course, the book is suitable for doctors of other specialists, as well as for non-medical people interested in health. Because these case descriptions clearly show the suffering that was inflicted on the people by these so-called vaccinations.

So I could order this book from you, and first of all, of course, take a look at it myself, as a novice, and I would surely be able to understand to a certain extent. But could I also go to my family doctor and tell him "I have a gift for you, have a look"? What else can I do with this book apart from simply reading it?

Dr. Krüger:
That's really not a bad idea. After all, there are still enough doctors who administer these substances to wake them up to the fact that they are really doing people a lot of harm, and it's not just a damage, they also die. People are being killed by these jabs.

Would you have a few final words that are particularly important to you?

Dr. Krüger:
Yes, I would like to address these words to the audience. I would very much like people to be interested, to do their own research on the Internet and not to believe everything that is presented to them, that they would become active themselves. I wish to see more love in our society, that harmony and peace would evolve. And I would like to see us feel our intuition much more. This means going out into nature and simply listening to our intuition.

Thank you very much, Ms. Krüger, for these very moving words. So we say goodbye from Studio Berlin. All further information can be found below this program. And as I said before, get active yourself. Thank you.

from ah.
Histo-Atlas Geimpft-gestorben (Vaccinated and Died)

Ms. Krügers’ Practice Website

Effectiveness of the bivalent vaccine against Corona-Sickness 2019
Cleveland Study –

Long-term effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines

Mortality worldwide during COVID-period 2020-2023

Publications of Dr. med. Ute Krüger

Vaccine Side Effects

Meta-Analysis shows massive malfunction of COVID-19 vaccines in combating SARS-COV-2

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