Sobering words from General Michael Flynn "We Are at Grave Risk".

5 months ago

From Pastor Paul Blair:
In 2008, Barak Obama pledged to fundamentally transform America.
In 15 years:
Teachers are grooming children with LGBT and Trans propaganda. 20% of young people now claim to be trans.

Young people now prefer socialism and are tearing down statues of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and even Frederick Douglass.

Two global wars plus countless regional and civil wars are occurring as American respect has diminished.

BRICS nations are planning to replace the dollar as the world reserve currency.

Inflation is at record levels.

The national debt has grown from $15 Trillion to $35 Trillion. We are bankrupt.

Once great cities and neighborhoods are now lawless war zones covered in feces.

The WEF is pushing for a Great Reset where no one will own private property by 2030.

General Flynn said this might be the last free and fair election we have if we don’t get it right. Flynn continued, “We are in a state of grave risk. We are BEYOND the tipping point. We are in the valley of the shadow of death.”

Flynn predicts the following if Kamala wins the WH & Democrats control the Senate.

Dems in Senate will abolish filibuster (assuring 51 votes can change laws to legalize abortion nationally).

America will grant statehood to Washington DC and Puerto Rico assuring 4 more Democrat Senators and permanent control.

SCOTUS will not protect us. They will pack the court with more justices if the current court won’t submit.

They will increase the weaponization of the Department of Justice to new levels.

Social media will be pressured to “act responsibly” – creating a complete national censorship controlled by the government…The Disinformation Governance Board.

All special treatment given to churches will go away. Title 7 (1964 Civil Rights Act) has an exception currently for churches, but that will be eliminated. Churches will for forced to hire trans and LGBT.

Trans teaching will be mandatory in public schools along with mixed bathrooms and showers. Parents who object will lose their kids.

The open border will be permanent. The “Declaration of North America” was signed by America, Mexico and Canada two years ago. Probably 15-20 million illegals are already in the USA. 2 million have already registered to vote. This is “The Great Replacement.”

Public accommodation laws will be pushed to serve the government’s interest. Doctors who refuse to perform abortions or trans surgeries or hormone replacement will lose their licenses.

The Government will institute a mandatory buyback of semi-automatic weapons.

There will be mandatory vaccines. M Pox - i.e., “manufactured” pox is already on record.

The Government can debank you if you don’t “think right.” Exec order 14067.

BRICS meets in 6 weeks and will abandon the US dollar.

If Kamala wins the WH, but the Dems don’t take the Senate?

President can declare national emergency and claim extraordinary powers. Currently there are 43 declared National emergencies in effect. They trigger about 150 statutes. Title 50 - War & National Defense.

They have the ability to control EVERYTHING for “the best interest of the country” - can shut down farmers, etc.

Flynn said the biggest problem is the church. 40 million Christians did not vote in 2020.

We need to register to vote and vote Biblically!! One party (Democrat) endorses baby murder, LGBT Trans agenda, mutilation of children and communism.

I encourage you to watch General Flynn’s entire 45-minute presentation and be informed. You have been warned.

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