John Moolenaar Proposes Three Steps to Ahead of CCP's Loaded Guns

3 months ago

09/25/2024 Chairman of the Select Committee of the CCP, Rep. John Moolenaar @RepMoolenaar speech at @AEI: To get ahead of the CCP's loaded guns, we need to implement appropriate market barriers and cut off access to U.S. technology and capital that fuels PRC national champions in critical sectors. We must also coordinate with our allies and encourage them to mirror these steps.
#CCP #China #NationalSecurity #TechRisks #CFIUS
09/25/2024 中共问题特设委员会主席约翰·穆勒纳尔在美国企业研究所演讲:为提前应对中共的威胁,我们需要实施适当的市场壁垒,并切断美国技术和资本对中国关键行业国家领军企业的支持,还必须与盟友协调,鼓励他们效仿这些步骤。
#中共 #中国 #国家安全 #技术风险 #美国外国投资委员会

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