The 7 things I give up to became rich

5 months ago

I've told you this story a few time but good story deserve to be repeated so here is it again; at age 17 thereabout I borrowed a book from a friend. The title of the book is The Maximum Achievement written by Brian Tracy. Somewhere inside this book, I read a statement that goes on to change my life forever and that stamen is; "If you want to achieve what you've never achieved before, you have to become who you've never become before".

This statement sounds so simple yet, for many years, I always remember it and it changed the way I see life. You see, life is garbage in and garbage’s out. What you throw in determines what you get out. Though we all have fantasy and dreams about how we wish to get things without enormous sacrifices, it's what it is; fantasy.
Do you want a new result; you have to become a new person and that usually means that you'll have to deny yourself certain things. Albert Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result". Insanity is when you're willing to get something out of life but you're not willing to give up anything in return. Below are 7 things I gave up to have the kind of life I have today. If you're new here, consider subscribing so that you won't miss other interesting videos like this.

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