Mysterious Smell in Washington State and Vancouver, Canada

5 months ago

💭 Smell that? A strange odor has made its way across southwest Washington state

An unpleasant and mysterious odor has lingered in southwest Washington state, wafting over multiple communities overnight.

Cowlitz County Emergency Management Services began to field 911 calls from residents about the smell around 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, according to a statement obtained by USA TODAY.

The smell, according to Cowlitz County, seemed to have wafted through South Kelso, Rose Valley, Kalama, Woodland and Cumbia County before it hit Portland.

“The source of the odor and what the odor is/was, are still unknown and under investigation,” Cowlitz County wrote.

A couple of theories have emerged in the hours since the smell was first reported, according to the county, including a “ship, train, highway transportation leak; Scappoose Bio Solids; industry; pipelines; natural gas; Mt St Helens; and ground movement.”

“Complaints have varied from unpleasant odors to minor health issues. All agencies continue to work on the situation,” according to Cowlitz County EMS.

Unpleasant odor complaints vary, have been ‘very inconsistent’

Early reports showed a strange smell was first reported between Vancouver and Kelso. By tracking winds, we can estimate the path that it may have taken, briefly drifting down near Vancouver WA before southerly winds around 4AM would have pushed it back north again.

😮 Strange that I was almost talking about this yesterday /ይገርማል ትላንት ስለዚህ ጉዳይ እያወራሁ ነበር፡-

🔥 እነዚህ ያልተጠመቁ ቆሻሾች በእሳት የሚጠረጉበት ቀን ሩቅ አይደለም! ይቅርታ፤ ግን ሃቁን ለመናገር እያንዳንዱ ያልተጠመቀ ሰው በውስጥም በውጭም የሚገማ ነው!
🔥 The day is not far when these unbaptized filth will be swept away by fire! I'm sorry; But to tell the truth, every unbaptized person stinks inside and out!

☪ Muslim Lady Was Caught On Camera Being Racist To Her Fellow Black Muslim Sisters
☪ አረቧ ሙስሊም ሴት ለጥቁር ሙስሊም 'እህቶቿ' ዘረኛ ስትሆን በካሜራ ተያዘች።

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