abide in our mingled spirit and walk in spirit

5 months ago

Lord Jesus, we want to abide in the mingled spirit and walk according to the mingled spirit today. Hallelujah for the key to everything in our Christian life - our mingled spirit! Amen, Lord, may we realize that the wonderful Spirit as the consummation of the processed Triune God dwells in our regenerated spirit and is one spirit with our spirit! Hallelujah, we are one spirit with the Lord! Amen, Lord, we want to live in the spirit and let You fill and saturate us until You permeate our whole being and You are expressed through us.

The full article is via, https://wp.me/p1uwEJ-fG3

Welcome to this podcast. This is a portion of enjoyment from the Holy Word for Morning Revival for today, on the general topic of, The Christian Life (2024 Memorial Day Blending Conference - week 4, day 4). The title of this portion of enjoyment is, To Abide in the Lord is to Abide in our Mingled Spirit and Walk in the Mingled Spirit. We hope you enjoy the Lord while listening to this portion and we welcome your comments with what you have enjoyed!

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