Egypt, the double headed eagle, and energy work.

3 months ago

The iconic Egyptian burial posture is thought to represent status, position, and protection.

However, this universal gesture may also symbolise a deep knowledge of the body's energy points - and the practice of acupressure that can help awaken and strengthen the human nervous system.

This video highlights the similarities between this ancient burial rite and the practices of the different well-known energy traditions of the Far East and Indian Sub-continent.

It also suggests a connection to the famous double-headed eagle - and all of the depth of meaning that this other iconic image symbolises.

I would just like to add that I am not suggesting the ancient Egyptians used an identical energy system to the Vedic and Far Eastern traditions. I only use these as practical examples - as it is in these cultures that the practice has been more openly and carefully conserved.

The human body is energetically similar wherever we live on this beautiful planet. I believe all our ancient ancestors once utilised this energy - and that they recorded it in our artwork, legends, and allegories. (for us to know).

A Link to the Zhi Neng Qi Gong Master's routine -

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