Greg Gutfeld Has A Reality Check For Hack Media 'Fact-Checkers' Helping Dems Run Cover On Crime

5 months ago

Posted • September 25, 2024: The election is just a few weeks away which means the gaslighting is intensifying rapidly. Efforts to convince Americans the economy is doing much better than reality leads them to believe are being coupled with Democrats and media (as always, pardon the redundancy) attempting to prove that violent crime is down in big cities all across the country. For the latter, "FBI data" is being presented as proof. What they don't want everybody to know is that many high crime areas are simply not reporting data to the FBI, DAs aren't prosecuting crimes or crimes simply aren't being reported to the authorities because people know nothing will be done about it. On Fox News, Greg Gutfeld spelled out what's really going on, which is more Democrat/media gaslighting: Gutfeld: "Crime reporting is down because no one's reporting the crime because they know that when the criminal gets out—which is almost in a few hours—he's going to come for you." (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Greg Gutfeld Has a Reality Check for Hack Media 'Fact-Checkers' Helping Dems Run Cover on Crime

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