Teen Girl Gets ROCKED When Pool Jump Fails Spectacularly

6 years ago

Try as we all might to be perfect, to end on a high note, to not let those around you down, if there is one constant in life it is that no matter where you go or what you do, there will always be someone new out there for you to disappoint. Some might find that statement depressing. I don’t. It’s a challenge. A challenge to NOT disapooint that person. To NOT let down that team, even though it is inevitable. Even though the odds are not stacked in your favor. We all fail, as to err is human. But it is what one does after facing this failure that is what defines us. Are you the type to lay silently, sad, licking your wounds and blaming everyone around you but yourself? I kind of am! We all are about somethings. Even the most gracious and introspective amongst us probably has “oh, who cares about them!” days. That’s ingrained in us from early on. But that doesn’t mean it can’t change. It can’t evolve or become more of a positive trait than a flow. We can all take this feeling from inside us and let it manifest in ways that we never expected or anticipated. Maybe you have been expecting a big promotion at work, or phone call from that lost love or sign of recognition from your community. And it just doesn’t seem to be coming.

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