Rescue the Republic: When BFFs Disagree as to How We Do This Ep. 319

5 months ago

Dan and I are heading to Rescue the Republic in DC this weekend!

I wanted to share Rescue the Republic’s 8 pillars with Elliott to hear his thoughts.

1. War is always the last resort vs. Military Industrial Complex
2. Sanctify/recodify informed consent vs. Medical Industrial Complex
3. Banish state media control, surveillance and propaganda vs. Censorship Industrial Complex
4. Enact a rational boarder policy vs. Immigration Industrial Complex
5. End lawfare and abuse of the judicial system vs. Injustice Industrial Complex
6. Secure monetary freedom vs. Finance Industrial Complex
7. Restore family sovereignty vs. Developmental Industrial Complex
8. Return to truth-seeking and open dialogue vs. Academic Industrial Complex

For most of our lives, Americans took for granted the values that underpin these pillars. We agreed on these tenets. They were givens.

Not so much anymore.

Rescue the Republic will bring together Americans from all walks of life and political persuasions. It’s a unity coalition led by Dr. Bret Weinstein (evolutionary biologist), RFK, Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and others who were formerly on the left but now feel politically homeless.

Elliott shares his thoughts on the movement. What does the Bible say about these pillars?

I still believe Americans can find common ground. Praying for unity. Praying for peace. Praying for freedom.

If you want to rescue the republic, too, please join us in DC or at least, join us for this conversation!

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Dr. Karin & Pastor Elliott Anderson
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