Scott Ritter Insight Into Israel’s Downfall & The Russia 🇷🇺/ Ukraine 🇺🇦 War

4 months ago

Thomas W. Trefts
Writer ✍️, Researcher 👨‍🔬, USAF Desert 🏜️ Storm Veteran.
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As of 09/18/24
Update on Second Battle of Kursk.


Evidence Brief: National Soldiers Home Building 209
Substantiating Criminal Racketeers' Federal Conspiracy Against
Successful U.S. Federal Government Supportive Housing For Homeless Veterans
Or How To Begin Understanding What A Criminal Racket Killing Disabled Veterans With Homelessness Twists To Misrepresent As It's Community Plan For A Publicly Funded Yet Privately Profited Metropolis While Bribing Local Governments With New Tax Revenue Schemes To Ignore That Criminal Racket
In 2011, disabled homeless U.S. Military Veterans and the Vietnam Veterans of America Congressionally Chartered Veterans Service Organization - sued U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Public Officials in the Federal Ninth Circuit Civil Rights Action, Valentini v. Shinseki: for the purpose of ending illegal third-party land misuse at the National Soldiers Home that's violating that Home's Permanent Deeds-Restrictions, by obstructing Publicly Funded and Mandated Federal Government developed and operated homeless Veterans' housing thereat, due the illegal land misusers Criminal Racket to steal the National Soldiers Home's Federal Lands, for a Publicly Funded Conversion into privately profited, locally taxed, densely developed, mixed-use commercial-retail-industrial metropolis serving the General Public.
On August 29th, 2013 - the Ninth Circuit Court Adjudged, Ruled and Ordered for the Plaintiffs in Valentini: in part by Judgment Order reaffirming the illegality of third-party land misuse deals and any amendments thereto; including the defiant, ongoing, illegal Federal land misuse and theft by Brentwood School and UC Regents.
Brentwood School, UC Regents, Public Counsel, Inner City Law Center, Ronald L. Olson, Bobby Shriver, Gary Blasi, Mark Rosenbaum, Los Angeles City Mayor and Council, Congressman Ted Lieu, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, Jonathan Sherin, Anthony Allman and other accomplices to the Criminal Racket stealing the National Soldiers Home - subsequently Conspired against the Valentini Plaintiffs, Federal Taxpayers and survival of disabled homeless Veterans throughout the United States of America - by fabricating a bold and since-confessed On Record lie to the Public, that on January 28th, 2015, long after Valentini was Adjudged for Plaintiffs and unbeknownst to said Plaintiffs: Valentini was somehow 'Settled' by a non-existent 'Settlement Agreement' to: 1) throw the Valentini Court Order against illegal land misuse in the trash, 2) let cartels and racketeers replace dying homeless disabled Veterans voice in and use of their National Soldiers Home, 3) tell the Press what to report instead of the Truth about it, 4) end Veteran homelessness in Los Angeles and beyond by 2016 and 4) develop a master plan to include housing for homeless Veterans at their National Soldiers Home.
Today, the same Criminal Racket conspires to 'legalize' the fraudulent and non-existent 'Settlement', by recanting and misrepresenting years of prior land misuse, legislative, planning and title history into a False Record fabricating basis to 'Order' illegal development of the long aspired and conspired metropolis - via the fraudulent Powers v. McDonough Federal Lawsuit; evidently motivated to obstruct the legitimate, ethical and un-conflicted advocacy for disabled homleless Veterans' National Soldiers Home that's succeeding to improve Public Awareness of the non-existent Valentini 'settlement'.
Despite the racket's vast resources, media influence, Public Corruption and absence of remorse - ultimately nothing remains on its Criminal Accomplices' horizon, beyond a long-overdue lesson in futility; and whatever convoluted mirages it desperately conjures en route, to the Criminal Justice it insists on being surprised by.
This brief of selected evidence focuses on proving that by 2011, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs already delivered a Master Plan for the National Soldiers Home (aka WLA VA); specifically for the United States Department of Veterans Affairs to directly contract construction of Housing For Homeless Veterans at their National Soldiers Home, whereat the United States Department of Veterans Affairs would directly serve disabled Homeless Veteran Tenants of their National Home - without conditioning such Plan according with VA's Mission, upon any third-party theft, misuse, laundering nor fraudulent contract of one square millimeter of the National Soldiers Home's Permanently Deeds-Restricted Federal Lands.
Said Master Plan was engaged, Publicly Funded and greenlit for construction of roughly twenty homeless Veteran housing projects to deliver by 2017, without any such thing as a megamall (aka 'Town Center'); of which by 2015 - the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs newly renovated Building 209 was operating at capacity with homeless Veteran tenants whom Our U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs successfully served there. Given the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs was fully budgeted for such development and services, their Master Plans' other component - was expanding the HUD VASH voucher program to subsidize ADDITIONAL housing for HOMELESS Veterans OUTSIDE of the National Soldiers Home.
The selected evidence presented in this brief focuses on National Soldiers Home Building 209; as an excellent yet tragic example of how a National Soldiers Home building housing homeless Veterans is stolen by a criminal racket in 2017, to reopen as a HUD VASH project privately profited by the racket's double-billing of Taxpayers via the program, after evicting all but six of the Building's disabled Veteran tenants back into homelessness; and holding a second ribbon cutting ceremony fabricating the opening of the building (temporarily as the 'Shriver Building') celebrated completion of housing construction never performed, while the budget to do what already had been, was pocketed... And then pocketed again every several years since - as the racket continues pretending to acquire and renovate the building for housing homeless Veterans, while stealing tens of millions more in Public Funds to do nothing but run Building 209 like bandits would a slum, without the racket building anything but bigger pockets for itself.
... A Criminal Racket Powers v. McDonough and its Publicly Corrupted Judge seek to protect - apparently at all cost in disabled Veterans' death by avoidable homelessness at Taxpayers' diverted expense; here in Our National Capital of Veteran Homelessness of Los Angeles County, for as long as that Criminal Racket persists.
Keep in mind the following evidence is merely a fraction of what's available; thus curated in respect of brevity without compromising hard proof against the racket's deception saturating The People; in a conspiracy to replace a National Soldiers Home with a megamall, hotel, monorail and what other Olympic pipe dreams it may contemplate for years to come, while Permanently Supportively Housed First, in Federal Prison.
- Ryan Thompson, Among Advocates For Disabled Homeless Veterans' National Soldiers Home

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