No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 055: More layout, this time at 45 degrees. Also AutoIt script.

5 months ago

Streamed on 2024-09-25 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

I thought about how stretched things look and decided that instead of shooting for the 120 degree angle common in isometric maps (where you tend to look at things edge-on), I would use a 45 degree angle instead since we are looking at things face on.

As part of that, I whipped up an AutoIt script to clear all the guides in GIMP and auto-insert the new ones from a list. Then there was some modification to the LayoutMatch python script so it would output lines in the right format for the AutoIt script. With a bit of debugging, we relayouted (re-layed out?) the bookshelf which looks much better, in my opinion.

I applied the same changes to the blocks from last time and I still don't like them. I started laying out more of a letter tile kind of thing, but had to jump start my wife's car, so the stream was cut a little bit short.

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