Don’t be distracted this is interesting to pay attention to happening here in America 🇺🇸

5 months ago

@drmikelbrown_ The UN is proposing that America give up its sovereignty at the upcoming Summit for the Future, a move that aligns with the push for a one-world government. As prophesied in Revelation, global control and authority over nations are signs of the end times. We must be spiritually vigilant and rooted in God's Word during these critical times.

Pray for wisdom, discernment, and a deep awareness of the times we're living in. God's sovereignty will always prevail!

"And the beast was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation" (Revelation 13:7)

#Revelation13 #Ephesians6 #OneWorldGovernment #ProphecyUnfolding #StayVigilant #EndTimes #GodIsInControl #Harris #TrustInHim #TheUnitedNations #summitforthefuture #americassovereignty #thewho #worldhealthorganization #Trump #Presidentialelection #Republicans

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