Forgive and Set Yourself Free – a ‘Daily Inspiration’ meet up

9 hours ago

Today we discuss our daily inspirational message for September 4: "Forgive and Set Yourself Free.” You can review a written version below.

Please join us next time for our weekly group discussions based upon James Blanchard Cisneros 'Daily Inspirations.'
Subjects Discussed:
1- Whatever you wish for anyone, must first flow you.
2- Being all One, If you judge someone, you punish and poison yourself.
3- If you have imprisoned yourself in judgment, you can also free yourself through the act of forgiveness.
4 - Free your brother and. sister from your judgment and you will begin to heal yourself.
5 - If you can not forgive a brother, then simply invite God to forgive them for you.
6- It's not what is "out there" that affects you, its how you define your experience that affect you. The power resides within you, not "out there".
7- If you blame the "outer" world and those in it for your lack of peace, you give away your power to them.
8- Control your thoughts or they will control you.
9- Ask yourself: Is it really harder for me to forgive or to hold unto my judgments.
10- When the ego says judge, that is a perfect moment to practice forgiveness.
11- Each and every time someone triggers you, the Universe is offering you the opportunity to practice forgiveness.
12- Everyone always does the best they can with the emotional and spiritual tools they have in that moment.
13 - When someone triggers you, thank them, for they are showing you what false judgment-centric fear-based beliefs reside with you.
14 - Behind the painful comments, ask yourself: What is my brother or sister truly asking for?
15- Offer the opposite of what the ego demands. If it demands condemnation offer companion instead.
16- Through our act of forgiveness, we lead others to the state of peace.
17- Everyone has co-designed their journey with God, when you allow them their path, you will have peace.
18 - Forgiveness meditation to heal unforgiveness.

September 4. Forgive and Set Yourself Free – Condensed Version

Today, those we have judged are the ones who will set us free. Think of a person you have judged and not yet forgiven. Now become aware of the moment in time when your frustration and anger toward this person first surfaced. Admit to yourself that moment was in the past. Notice that if you did not drag the past onto the present, you would not be experiencing the anguish and resentment you may now feel. Admit to yourself that it is only you who can drag the past into the present through the thoughts you think. Only you can make yourself mad and lose your peace of mind in the present moment. If it is you who is making yourself upset, then it is only you who can choose to forgive, set yourself free from your own judgments, and find peace now.

Today, let us practice freeing ourself from the ego’s judgment-centric grip. Let us do so by choosing to offer forgiveness to those who the ego has programmed us to judge. Let us offer total and complete absolution to those who the ego insists we hold prisoners within our mind (through our thoughts of anger, resentment and revenge). In doing so, we free ourself. By releasing our thoughts of anger, resentment and revenge, we heal ourself. Now, every time we think of these people, especially when the ego demands condemnation, let us instead offer them our blessing and ask God to fill their lives with the energies of peace, healing, joy, love and understanding. Remember, what we wish for them must flow through us first. These loving energies can now become our medicine and first responses — what we choose to focus on and support every time we think of them. We can complete this shift in perception and consciousness by offering them our sincere gratitude for helping us free ourself from the ego’s dark and delusional demands, grip and mindset.

We are delighted to be holding weekly Zoom calls with James, the author of the Daily Inspiration messages and the book You Have Chosen to Remember. During each video call, James elaborates on a Daily Inspiration message from the previous week. There is also time for participants to ask questions and discuss the Daily Inspiration topics from the week before. The weekly Zoom calls with James are on Mondays at 7pm est.
We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like-minded people.
When: Mondays
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call.
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