Lee Milteer Interviews Lauren Zander:

5 months ago

The Blonde Warrior of Solutions Lee Milteer talks with author Lauren Zander, author of Maybe
It's You: Cut the Crap. Face Your Fears. And Love Your Life. It’s a no nonsense, practical manual
that helps people figure out basically what they want in life and how to get there. She has spent
20 years coaching, she's an entrepreneur. She has fixed a corporate business relationships, she
does contract negotiation, she helps marriages, she helps resolve complex family issues.
She created a groundbreaking methodology called the Handel Method, which is supported by
top educators and psychologists and has taught in over 35 major universities and institutes of
learning across the country with her unique and very honest approach. She is a contributor for
many publications and media outlets, including the New York Times, Harvard Business Review,
Forbes, and the Huffington Post
Links for milteer.com;
Website: https://milteer.com/
Five Types of Energy: https://milteer.com/five-types-of-energy/
Alchemists Inner Circle: https://milteer.com/alchemists-inner-circle/

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