How Important Is It To Warm Up Your Voice Before Singing? Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy

5 months ago

In this video, Gabbi and I discuss how incredibly important it is to properly warm up before seriously trying to sing.

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There is so much misinformation, disinformation, incomplete information, and/or plain and simple lack of information on this subject.

Many years ago, I coined the phrase "The Proof is in the Singing" and it couldn't be more true regarding this subject.

Most vocal coaches claim that you shouldn't warm your voice up more than 15 minutes before a performance.

Most vocalists don't warm up at all.

But I say the proof is in the singing.

I'm going to use mine as an example. Often times, I will take a full hour to carefully, slowly, and gently "wake up my voice".

After that, I will start to "lean into the sound", adding volume and weight to it to wake up the voice even more.

Then I will sing the first two songs of my set to get ready.

When I finally hit the stage, I will not immediately belt into the first song or two. I will continue to wake up my voice and get a "lay of the land" to hear how well I can hear myself, how loud the band is, and make sure that I can continue without having to oversing.

This is by far the best way to warm up for a performance.

So come along as Gabbi and I discuss this important subject.

Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy - Where The PROOF Is In The SINGING!

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