3 days ago

Shannon releases two powerful prophetic revelations she received from the Lord furthering the discussion about how the church responds to the ‘event(s)’ she mentioned in last week’s video. This is the second message in the series "The Power of the Next Generation." (Part 2)

*This is NOT an attack on any specific bible believing church. This message is intended to address the "spirit of rules-based religion and tradition", which focuses on following rules and traditions instituted by human standards rather than God's, that potentially deviates or takes away from where God's Spirit is leading His people (Matthew 15:3 ESV). It is a warning and a wake-up call for any church operating under this influence to change their direction and focus on the narrow path to God's kingdom (Matthew 7:13-14). The Spirit of God wants to address the rules-based religious tradition of today so the church doesn't miss His next move like the religious leaders of Jesus time missed when their long-awaited Messiah arrived (see Matthew 12:22-37). This message in NO WAY signifies a new or different covenant—all communication on this channel and the LiveYourFaith.co website points to Jesus Christ as the way, the truth and the life. This message only underscores that God is still active and His Spirit is still working on behalf of His people to fulfill His plans and purposes according to His Word—and if God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8), He's not finished with humanity yet, and He's not done speaking to us!*

The first revelation is an eye-opening word discussing how some churches and believers have taken the posture of 2 Timothy 3:1 and 5a where the ‘body has some form of godliness, but denies God’s power'. Whether it stems from doubt, uncertainly, or unbelief, God’s message to His people is one to let them know He is making changes in this hour, and it is time for His Holy Spirit to live and reign in His church to show the world the Lord’s power and authority through them has never waned and victory is still His. God wants to display that His people—if they surrender to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to work in and through them—have the power to be overcomers in this hour! For if Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8) and He displayed signs, miracles and wonders through His people back then, He can do it now! Jesus Himself said His followers will do miracles and wonders and even greater things than what He's done! (John 14:12-14)

The second is a powerful and resonating message from the Lord that encourages and builds up His bride—confirming the gifts and the status she received as Christ lifted her up and seated her with Him.

This video is a message to prepare the church for what is coming and how believers should approach it—let us not be like the Pharisees of that day and miss what Jesus is doing (and wants to do) for His bride today!

While Shannon prayerfully considers the meaning of her dreams and uses biblical references to understand their interpretation, she also turns to the book, Understanding The Dreams You Dream, by Ira Milligan. If you're interested in learning more about your dreams and their meaning, check out the book here: https://amzn.to/3RFa81T

This message intends to bring inspiration, encouragement, and motivation to help you live your faith and live your BEST life!

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Shannon is a student of Christ who has sat at the feet of Jesus ever since a health-scare shook her to her core. She reignited her faith and allowed the Holy Spirit to live and reign in her life which led to the creation of LiveYourFaith.co where she shares what she learns from the written word of the bible, revelation from the Holy Spirit, and lessons she learned during her personal journey to hear from God as she follows His will and ways. She hopes these messages inspire, encourage and motive you to boldly live your faith so you can live your BEST life as you deepen your relationship with the Creator and fulfill the purpose and destiny He has for your life.

*Product links provided are from the Amazon Affiliate program.*

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