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His Glory TV - 07.10.24 Julie Green Joins Pastor Dave on Take FiVe - Captions
In the conversation between Julie Green and Dave Scarlett, they discuss the recent events and prophecies that have been revealed to them by God. They talk about the importance of discernment, the need for wisdom in dealing with people, and the significance of forgiveness even in the face of wrongdoing. They also discuss the upcoming changes and the removal of corrupt individuals from positions of power in the government and other institutions. They emphasize the role of God's army and the need to hold on to hope and faith during these challenging times.
Julie and the Dave discuss various prophetic words and revelations they have received regarding political figures and events in Washington D.C. They talk about the exposure of secrets and hidden agendas, as well as the potential downfall of certain individuals in power. They emphasize the idea that God is ultimately in control and that despite the challenges ahead, the enemies will ultimately lose and God's plan will prevail. They encourage leaning into the Lord for peace and hope in the midst of uncertainty.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from His Glory Ministry! The original video was posted on 07-10-2024, and may be watched here: 👉
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Today’s Scriptures:
1 Tim. 6:10
Gen. 50:20
2 Cor. 12:9-10
Psalm 27:1-14
God will give you revelations and solutions when you press into Him and look to Him for answers.
God is doing an unmasking in the Body of Christ.
Do not put your hope in a person- only God.
The battle is not easy, but where you are weak God will make you strong.
God does correct, but it's always in love.
Don't discount God's angel armies or yourself. You are in the Army of the Lord.
You need to pray and have discernment from the Lord because people are not always who they seem to be.
You have a duty to pray for your enemies.
The darkness that you're seeing and that's coming is not for God's children.
God is Alpha and Omega- Beginning and End.
God will not let the enemy know His plans.
Prophecies mentioned:
And we want to welcome all of his glory nation from east to west to north to south. Welcome today's take five. Wednesdays with Julie Green and you know what Satan did not want this live stream to go off 10 minutes before we go live. Our power goes out here in the ranch and thanks to t he entire team rapidly putting multiple gene rators together to not skip a beat for this broadcast not today Satan. You know Julie every Wednesday is is special but I knew this one's going to be more special because there's a lot going on. You and I talked on Sunday. Uh Barry Wunsch was on with me yesterday. It was playing today. His prophetic word that he gave me. Match is almost identical to what yours was confirmation. So, giddy up. Here we are. We are in a very exciting time. Yeah. We are I think our Sunday conversation was like three hours long. Yup. It was a very long conversation because there's a lot of things that God is revealing and even I've been telling people even when it looks at darkness and even looks like it's more frustrating, God will give you revelation if you would just press in him and he'll give you some solutions to the problem that you're facing without even realizing it. Like it's so awesome what God does when we look to him instead of looking to ourselves to fix an issue that we're facing but there this is going to be a good show today for sure. There is definitely a lot going on. Uh I was working right up until the time you said my name was like diligent looking down at the screen here. Trying to see all the things that the Lord has. I mean there's a lot going on. And you know how you mentioned the word that was you know trying to sabotage. I did hear from a little birdie that people are getting the words. So Satan didn't win that one. Uh that matches what very prophesied as well that the boomerang has happened and and I don't take glee in that. I just I I pray for the that particular those particular people and but the most important thing is that you God has you know it may look dark. It may look bleak but you know truth ultimately always comes out. So there is the tide of turning. Speaking of tide of turning. Before I came here you know everybody even generals look forward to the Wednesdays with Julie Green. I had two text messages before we even started today by a general in Canada and a general in the United States. And this is this wasn't intel. This was prophetic. They were showing me prophetic words about what's happening next. That's the first time I've ever seen two generals do that. No Intel at all. Just God's intel which is the best. That's the best. God's intel is the best and I will tell you, seeing these prophecies being fulfilled the way they're being fulfilled and how they're being fulfilled is so like it it's so much better than you could have imagined when you heard them originally because I tell people because I was on with Clay yesterday and one of the things that he asked me, he's like, what do you do when people come out and say, you know, people don't prophesy and they don't prophesy like, you know, every day like you and I said, you know, people need to hear God's intel. They need to hear what God has to say on a daily basis because the enemies are out there shouting and screaming and bringing in fear. So God is going to sit there and speak every day to bring in faith. And so I was in the naysayers. God is doing it. And you can see what God has been saying for such a long time to what is happening right now in our news. And there are times that you guys know either before I will I'll hear some and I'll go do I really have to repeat that. Oh I know. And sounds so like crazy off the wall outlandish and you're just like and you know you think that's a good person that wasn't a good person he's revealing it to you that's not a good person it's never easy to give words I mean even something I told you on Sunday that was not easy I know for me to do at all I mean it's something I had to do but it wasn't something that I that it was easy for me to do what's amazing is Barry confirmed that he confirmed that prophetic word basically and he had no idea. I haven't talked to Barry about that at all and he didn't know what you and I talked about on Sunday and it was it was from God. Amazing. God is it. You know what I love about God too is that he's he confirms especially when you need to hear like when I had that word that I was giving you on Sunday that revelation that God gave me. Yeah. I had to have it confirmed with other people first before I give it to you because this is something where you don't Ever want to step out of the boundaries of God and something like your you know get your feelings involved or anything like that. That's something I I took a lot of time in, a lot of prayer in and heard many different people confirm that before I ever mention anything. And to hear Barry also say the same thing is is again God's people who are on that side of the Lord are always going to confirm each other and that's where it's confirmation to you and I I think a peace of mind too that it really was from God and not anything else. Yeah in the course of that three hour conversation I showed you things that I've never told you before until that it confirmed your word based on what I really knew as well. Yep. And sometimes it's hard. We just you know the truth is there and you get beat up but you just gotta do the right thing and and just not jump ahead of it. Not you know throw people in front of the bus. You just you trust the Lord and you don't go forward unless he tells you to go forward and you pray. You pray for these people. You pray repent. Um yeah. But we're seeing that they're not. Uh many are being exposed. Not just the art the situation we're talking about. But Eric Metaxis had a a article come out two days ago about Francis Collins and the NIH and how they're tied to some big pastors and selling a baby parts and and and worse just evil things and these pastors knew about it and Eric actually reached out to these pastors and said do you want to respond to this? And none of them would respond. They kept friendship more than they'd want to tell the truth. It's just it's. Exactly. You know, I actually had a word over the weekend. It was on the second one for Saturday and I'll read part of it to you because it's called exactly what you're saying and talking about the church because that's what we were talking about. Yup. Because again, when you're talking about anybody in the body of Christ, you'd be very very careful because if they are chosen by God and you're misunderstanding what's really going on, you can be judged for that. That's why you have to be very very careful but this is what something the lord showed me right before we a conversation was on Saturday and then we had a conversation on Sunday. This was the word. This is the second word for that day, on Saturday, on the sixth. My children, if you allow me in fully, I will show you what willpower is. Give me every care, every hurt, give me all the pain, give me all the shame, give me all the guilt, all the condemnation, give me all the unworthiness you feel, and I will fully heal your heart and your mind, your bodies, and every part of your life. So first of all, he's talking about his body has been bought down. I'll give you like a rundown of all this before I get to the, you know, stuff that I'm talking about but his body of Christ has been bogged down with all this stuff that's going on and a lot of the root of it in the body of Christ is unforgiveness and that's not what a lot of people want to talk about and they also don't want to hear and something that you and I have also when we're talking about Sunday, it's something that we also have had to deal with to it at times when people come out and people do things against you. I mean, that's the natural instinct but guys on the body of Christ, the Satan has been using unforgiveness, using bitterness, using rage, using anger to stop the glory of almighty God. He's been trying to suppress the church and this is the one of the ways he's doing it and so down here later on, he talks about what's going on in the body of Christ. He says because he goes talking about all this is bogged down. My son receive my power, receive more from me in this hour of power. My power is unlimited and it's time for the world to see it. My children to experience it. It. Then he goes on to say, I will say this again, an unmasking has begun. Not just for political and governmental officials. An unmasking has begun in my church. Not only am I revealing all the fakes, all the frauds, all who have been used by the enemy, even those who I have called and their hearts turned away from me, those who are behind the pulpit that were never called and then they wanted a position for all the wrong reasons. No one will stay that doesn't belong there. Or the ones who refuse to repent or turn from their ways of sin. This is driving the churches in the same direction from me or from from me instead of to me. So this is the part that he was talking about. There is so much in the body of Christ that either they are called and that's what you say. They are choosing sides or choosing friends instead of choosing truth because people don't want to lose their congregations and it all boils down to the wrong thing. Remember when God says You had to choose me or manna because there's a lot of people in the body of Christ are choosing money. Now, money is not evil. That's the difference. It's the root. It's the root of evil is the love of it. Exactly. That is the problem. People get controlled by that money and so that's why, you know, you know and I had told other people this. That's why this ministry, we don't go in obligation of money. We tell people not to give us anything or something that maybe the lord tells them to give you on your heart. We don't want anything because we never want an obligation. Yup. In our own hearts even though it's how our hearts are at but we don't want to ever getting caught in that trap. So, we go because God tells us to go. That's right. But it's amazing to me how many people in the body of Christ are directed and led by the finances in order to go somewhere and that's what he's eradicating also. Yeah, let me hit that again. You you I can speak on your behalf because you've told me this and me and glory. We've never taken a dime for any speaker fee. So that those rumors are absolutely not true. Um the matter of fact there was a product that that somebody want us to have for our network and I tested it and it didn't work. And I said I I I can't I can't do it. It it doesn't work. They said well we'll pay you double. Just you know just do it just we'll pay you double. I said absolutely not. If it doesn't work I I I'm not I'm not bringing it out. But you can see where people would go because of the money because the money would be easy to say well okay that will help with this this this and this but you gotta have the integrity or it could be all gone. Oh yeah, it's integrity because this is why I tell the team. This is why I've been telling them since day one. God leads this ministry and the decisions where we go, who we go with. When people can ask us all day long and we would want to go to those places but if God tells us no, we can't go. Yeah. And again, God directs us. He directs us how we give, he directs us how we use the money in any single way, God always directs us ministry and that's why I tell him, we're not directing ourselves. It's not by our opinions or what what it looks like is by what God saying and telling us to do. So, anytime we make a decision, we will literally have the prayer team, we go into prayer and we make the decision based upon the confirmations of what we're hearing from the lord, not our own personal opinion. That is how you are led by almighty God because you know, I'm telling you, people can easily be in the body of Christ and the savior and think that they're one person and they're not and get you in trouble. That's right. That's why you have to be very, very, very, very, very careful on who you on who you're friends with and who you can speak with because the lord has showed me how sick and weak and how evil got into the body of Christ. He he mentioned, he even told me even this morning to break down the power of the occult and witchcraft in the body of Christ because it's imitation power and God saying, he wants a freedom in this hour for his children in the body of Christ because too many times we go after imitation and not what really is the power of almighty God. I mean, it it it grew as great revelation this morning and was like it was profound and I was like really excited about it because God really is winning but people are looking for the unmasking of politicians and unmasking of government and people were looking like what God said in his word. There's an unmasking in the body of Christ. That's right. It's here. Uh it's hit three fold. The your prophetic and what we talked about on Sunday. Barrett, what Barry said yesterday, what Eric Mataxis is exposed and I know more are coming. Um I was told that a secret Democratic strategy meeting came out two days ago and in that strategy they're going to pivot against President Trump and target Christian nationals. So they're going after the body of Christ and you if you're coming after the body you better be wrinkle free and truly be representing Christ because if you are Christ will win that battle. If you're not you're going to get exposed. Yep and that's the thing that God's been talking us about. He's talking about the indentification. I'll tell you it's not you don't get all you know happy inside when you hear about this. This is also part God said things were going to get darker. This is also where he was talking about. We talked about this last week. You know, there are a lot of things out there, videos, audio, visual, anything like that. They're going to try to get people off track of believing somebody said something when they didn't. That's why you have to have discernment and then there's also going to be truth about what this person is really like for some people who are not of God and they're going to be exposed. So, people really have to have that discernment of what God is saying and what God is doing in the body of Christ right now. That's why you can't Put your all your hope in a person. You have to put your hope in God because God is the one who is going to show you what's real and what's not. Yeah that's something I shared with you on Sunday. Uh a source two sources over the weekend said Project Bluebeam. Watch out for Project Bluebeam. So that for people that may not know that. That's their ability through technology to create an image that looks like it's real but it's not. So again wisdom and discernment AI. Uh they can do much with just voices and and videos but Bluebeam takes it to a whole different level. So just it this this moment is happening we've been talking about a terrorist attack from my Intel sources what six eight months it's about sixeight months now President Trump 2 days ago on Sean Hannity said there will be a 9/ 11 attack 100% it's just inevitable I'm surprised he said that but it is the truth guys been talking about that for how long now he's been he's at 911 style attacks and he's been talking about major cities and so what we do is we God's been preparing our hearts. People have been really angry and frustrated because all of the suspense taking for so long that we want to see a breakthrough and God saying, I've been preparing people's hearts and strengthening them and then showing them how to pray and how to use my word. That's what God was doing. So, it's also in the time of his exposing the enemy to become weaker and there's another thing we're saying. We're saying we're seeing them turning on each other which God said they were going to do. Yup. They were going to they have any of they're going to chaos and confusion in their camp which are saying right now regarding the whole Biden situation and so at the time he's unifying this remnant now again there's a body of Christ and there's some of them are still deflecting but the remnant is uniting and I had Rudy Giuliani on yesterday and one of the things that he talked about was that movement I'm like yes there is a movement it's a movement of God it's movement of revival it's a movement of resistance people are finally waking up standing up getting up and fighting and they're not going to give up until have their freedoms back and we have our nation back and so what Satan meant for harm to destroy us and weaken us, God has actually used to awaken us and strengthen us. Yeah, it's everyone I talk to. Not only spiritual but also Intel all are saying the same thing. We are we are there. We don't know if it's tonight, tomorrow, a week from now, a month from now but we've hit to point of what we've been in in in this war for a long time now. It's it's time for climax. It's it's coming. As a matter of fact, I just got confirmation from a second source that has never been wrong before of something with the Supreme Court if true is a bombshell if this is true it will shock the entire world it will fulfill a couple of your prophecies and just a little bit a tidbit about that again I I 2 two people have said this is is is true we'll have to wait and see one of the central characters of this scenario was in Texas with us You might not have known that but he was here. I don't know. The the world if this comes true the world will know who he is real soon. And God have got this is what's awesome is because God's putting his remnant together like you think about this before twenty twenty and none of us knew each other. I mean no. We were all kind of doing our own things and when the enemy tried to bring the world or the the world at a standstill trying to destroy the body of Christ trying to shut the mouths of the body of Christ. Having to stop going to church. Have to stop worshiping God is actually made the body of Christ awaken and stronger. And so I mean knowing all the people and I've seen the church the body of Christ in a bad way Because I've seen it really bad across the country. Yup. But I've also seen it in an amazing way. And I know the amazing way what God is doing in so many people's lives and ministries is going to is going to build us all together and bring us more closer and more power and the glory of God. Uh but there's a lot of things going to happen right now. Again you're going to know the goats from the sheep. God separating the wheat from the chaff and we're going to realize again that great separation God's been talking about of who is with and who is not. It's here. It is absolutely here after all these years. Uh that's why the people watching this today do not lose hope. Uh God is a God of the perfect timing. His plan is perfect. Uh again I I truly believe because he's told me this. Expect the unexpected. Whatever way we think it's going to happen. It's not going to happen. Uh because he's going to get the glory no matter what. But many people of are are are weary. They're they're they're they're they're fatigued. I get it. I understand. Uh but this is the time where we get that second win. Seek the Lord's face and get in his word because that's what's going to comfort us and lead us. Yeah because you know what? Just like well there we've had a lot of things happen against us. I use myself I use myself and yourself as an example to anybody watching. Is because it's not always easy. Especially being on the front lines that where we are. Yeah. But I'm telling you I've never had a strong relationship with God even in the midst of terrible times. Even in the midst of like horrible things going on in your life. I have had the greatest time at the same time. Because where we are we he makes us strong and so the enemy knows our weaknesses. Now we have to know his. That's why God is giving us strategy. That's why God is giving us his word. He's giving us the the intel so we know what to do about it. Cuz I told you when I was I think on our conversation on Sunday I was like Lord why did you bring all this information you know you feel like you're behind the eight ball where you have all this exposure that happened and he said look just like when I exposed the thief swamp of the state the deep state and the swamp to you and what's going on with President Trump. I exposed it to him. It wasn't for his destruction. It wasn't for the nation's destruction. It was for your awareness of what really was going on to awaken you. It was not for your destruction. It was to strengthen and get you stronger and destroy the power of the enemy over you and so he was showing that this example the same thing was going on in our life as he was showing me. He's like, look, this was not. I wasn't going to expose this to you for you to get overwhelmed. I exposes to you so now you know how to deal with the situation. That's right. I I started something new a few days ago with just brings me much much more pleasure is you know I get into the word of God. I walk and I meditate and I I so for people that attack you or a prophetic voice that God doesn't speak to him every day. Well, attack me too because he does speak to me every day. Not like he speaks to you in long paragraphs but it's always a couple words of encouragement and it's seven, eight, nine, 10 times during a day, always because I'm always got my my focus on him. Well, I to your point, I started just to put on version of the Bible going through the Psalms. Just getting a couple Psalms and just soaking in King David and his love relationship for with the Lord and how he relied on the Lord through the toughest times. I mean imagine King David surrounded him. His enemies about ready to destroy him. But he's still taking that that soul to the Lord. It's just it's comforting because he went through it too. He did. And I think that's the reason why it was so important like when I was talking about how God has always called and David. Yeah. You know, to me for the longest time. I had no idea Kim Clement had had that too and I don't know if anybody else has had that but I know that that's what the lord has told me for the longest time about him but it's also the revelation that he needs to have. It's not, I mean, it's it's great that we have that revelation but God really wants him to know, yes, he recalled my David but he wants him to know and have that curiosity of why because that when he has that and he receives the words of God because just anybody can say it to him. That's right. It has to be words from God and that revelation from him and how he wants for for President Trump to go forward because he can go so far but then he's going to keep running into something that's going to keep him from stopping moving forward until he hears what God really needs him to hear for this very day and this very hour and to know how powerful he is but also how powerful he is with God and how nothing will stop him from doing the calling on his life as long as he uses God's power because just like he in that prophetic word the day of the the day before the debate. He said, I am the driving force behind that stone and that's what he asked to be confident and just like David is confident and the lord gave me a scripture this morning about for President Trump. This is what he needed to pray was Psalm twenty-seven. Wow. So, yeah, he gave me specific scriptures. I mean, there's a specific things that he has showed me over the course of several months. Like I told Plague yesterday, I was like, you know, God has been speaking a lot to President Trump and family. More, I mean, there's been more than I've ever ever heard before. It was right before we got on the show and I said, it is crazy how many words that I have received regarding President Trump. I said, I haven't, you know, I haven't sent all of them to them because I don't want to bombard him with words. I said, but there's been so much intel and so much information that God wants him to have because God wants him to have that encouragement in that revelation. What he needs is a Nathan. He needs a Nathan that comes and tells him straight way it is from God and doesn't care what the that doesn't want anything for themselves. It's just because he surrounds himself with a lot of yes people. They want to they want to please him and sometimes you as Nathan did. He spoke for the lord and you want to stone me David. You want to take me out but this is what the lord God says and so be it. You it's between you and God. So, he needs to have a Nathan around him or two. He needs yeah. He needs to have somebody who won't back off even when it's uncomfortable. Exactly. Because you have to give him the words of God and sometimes he may not want to hear those words. No. Because especially if there's ever words of correction. I mean not everybody likes to be corrected. You know and that's why I told Lord you correct me loudly and speedly especially if I'm going in the wrong direction. And sometimes it's comical how he corrects me. Because he'll correct me if I'm correcting my kids and he'll be like and he'll correct me using that exactly. I'm like I'm not correcting my kid right now. Like you know and then he'll correct me. Or he does sometimes correct me with humor. All depends but every single time I've ever gotten a correction it's always been in love. Even if it was stern it's always been in love. And you know that the funny ironic thing that you just said about the humor. He does that a lot with me too in humor. And that's just a loving way just to he's he's a God of the universe. He could just go boom. Send a lightning bolt on me. But it it's it's humor and it's enough to get your attention away and get your soul and your spirit back on him and say okay Lord that you're right. Uh I'm going down this path now. I'm not go this way. Yeah because there are some things where he showed me that there are some things that President Trump has to hear that he he won't like. I mean I to be honest there there are things that he may not want to hear. Um but you know what? He'll accept him because God will soften his heart in order for him to receive it. Because that's like him moving forward and that's part of his victory. That's part of all of our victories. I mean again just like I was corrected a couple weeks ago. I mean you have to be corrected in order for you to have that promotion. Yeah. So persecution comes in for promotion. But also is by the obedience and having a willing heart to be able to move forward. So, I mean, there are times and obstacles that you don't want to get up and you don't want to deal with situation and you just kind of want to just put it on the rug and forget about it but that's not how God wants us to do it. He wants us to get it out in the open and he wants us to deal with it and he wants us to move forward. Yup. That's the only way. That's the only way. So, what other words is he given you recently? So, I'll I'll keep going with this one really quick because this one was again regarding guarding the body of Christ but he also mentioned AI and he's not, it's not the first has ever mentioned it. He said, AI cannot stop this and not hide this or even get away with making my chosen seem like they are something when they are not. I will show the world the true prophets. Many have pretended to be but they were not from me. So, I will reveal the real and I will show you the fake. I will show my real evangelists, my real teachers, my real preachers, and my my real church with my power that noone can replicate. So, that is the same one that he was talking about the body of Christ because there's been a lot of people replicating God's power and then he goes on and say, my children, your enemies have embedded themselves in every part of this world. So, he was showing me this morning or it was yesterday morning where I was going through this prophetic word. He showed me that we have been embedded with a deep state in the swamp in our government. We were also embedded with the deep state in the swamp in the church. Yep. It's been embedding in everything. It it wasn't just again people always look to politics. It's not always politics. It's a health care system. It's our media. It's the church. It's everything. It's our economy. They embedded themselves everywhere. And all huh? And all seven mountains of influence embedded. Everything. You they embedded themselves in every part of the world and everything you see that you can imagine. I'm removing everyone that's showing you and then showing you what my real church looks like. I will show you what my nation should look like. What government should look like. My children reach out to me, look past what things seem like in your lives they try to use to keep you from me. Give me all those cares when he talks about. Give me those cares, all those burdens because a lot of people are carrying all these burdens, all these weight, and all the shame and guilt and false condemnation and God saying I'm setting you free and again there's a lot of fear going on in the body of Christ right now and he is trying to destroy it and then there's another word this is the first word from that day now this one was more political so the one I gave you was the second word for that day and that was regarding the body of Christ this one was regarding the establishment and regarding what we're saying in our nation he says my children I am Now this is called an election is near but not how you suppose. We've talked about this for a long time. God been saying an election is not going to save you. I am. So God keeps saying we're supposed to look to him to save our country and not rely on election. Because he wants a political reset. He says my children I'm telling you this day an internal collapse of the establishment is taking place before your eyes. You have a great divide bringing great fear, confusion, and turmoil as I have said before they are turning on each other to save the themselves. A collapse of a government is near oh United States. A great fall of a coup and of an administration that never was never was meant to be. One that was a show and it was never real. A great collapse of a narrative and a big lie upon this nation. Things have been building up until this very time. And then he goes on to say later on. An unprecedented chain of events is near. Events that will change the course not only of this nation but nations all around the world. Events that will bring down giants that took over a nation that never belonged to them. Giants to infiltrate it, stole, manipulated, embed themselves into your government and everywhere in your nation to overthrow America or the more over overthrow the American people and any rights they have. Then he goes on to say my army is moving forward advancing in the movements to remove every last one of them from your nation and from your government. So when when we look at God's army it's different it's not only a natural military army but it's also God's army which is he has the angel armies and then he also has a body of Christ which we're in the army of the lord so when he's saying my army people are always looking just to the natural military army right but God is saying don't discount my angels and don't discount yourselves because you're in the army of the lord exactly I think that's very very profound that people need to hold on to is God's Talking to us also. So this part of this prophetic word this was on Saturday right? Saturday early early morning. Saturday early morning. Okay so what I was told by two sources. Again second one confirmed this morning. Again I'm not I don't know if it's true or not. But this would fulfill this prophecy and more. Well it's not done. There's still more. So I'll I'll keep going. Cuz we never talked about these because I there's nothing we didn't talk about these prophetic words at all. It was more about the situation. We dealing with. Right. So anyway, God said, hold on my United States for great change is coming. A reset. Again, he talks about a reset. A reset is taking place. Removals will begin to pick up speed in ways you would never have thought of. My children, the land of my eagle, the scenery in your nation will dramatically change. How things are now to how things were meant to be. Not only a government will be eradicated but the ones who put them there and those positions will be annihilated with them. Including letter agencies, their power, their control, their hidden assignments, their hidden agenda, and will all be exposed big time. So, if you want to add on, there's more to this. It's big one so you can go if you want to add on to it. Well, there's reports right now in Washington DC that there's fencing going up around the around Washington DC and nobody can figure out why. I mean, there's speculation. Some think it's a courts and think it's this NATO meeting but why didn't they do that before and now they're doing it today. Today actually putting just huge fencing all around Washington DC. So if what I was told is true it would make sense to all this but again if I know about it then we can't be expect the unexpected. So I don't know. God's God's God's got it but we're getting closer. Something big is about to happen. He oh yeah I can feel it in the spirit. I I I really can. Uh the Lord just like this morning you know of all the things that all of us have been through and all the trying times. This morning I was like so full of joy and laughter and like even like people said on my live stream I was feistier. I was a little bit more sarcastic and and making a cracking jokes and stuff. When I was given the word and yes it was serious but the same time God is very comical. I mean he truly truly it's funny. I mean God created comedy obviously for our enjoyment. And so it's amazing what he's doing and how he's doing it. So I was very they say that I was very fiery. And I was a firecracker and I was very feisty because I was this way. It was it was just funny because God had God has had me laughing because there's certain things the enemy has tried to stop in this country and and even with us personally and whatever and it was just like he showed me something that is going to take place that just just just the enemy just it crushes the enemy's plan. So yeah you just smile. You just smile because you know God's got it. He does have it. Yep. He got it. So here's another one. This is the same prophecy. Whistle blowers. Now again he talks about whistle blowers right frequently. He said whistle blowers will come from everywhere. It's time for their boldness to crush the head of the snake that has brought great deception in this land. I told you before the old guard will be brought out from their hiding places put out in the to be exposed to be removed and brought to nothing and then he goes specifically so he says whistle blowers are going to come from everywhere yes then he specifically mentions a whistleblower a DOJ whistle blower is about to come forward to bring that department down to nothing a great landslide of events has started to bring down the corruption in this land now he has talked about the the the he's going to annihilate and destroy the entity and the deception and the corruption that's in the DOJ right he's talking about bringing them all everyone with them from what they've done not only to President Trump but what they're doing the laws of our land but now he's specifically talking about a whistleblower then he also mentions not only a whistle blower but then he mentions the Secretary of Defense and he says the Secretary of Defense will be removed out of his position and not as you suppose so I don't know exactly how he's going to be removed I just know is what God saying he is then he gets even more detail and he says it's all coming great exposures with more vacating of seats of power secrets are coming out like never before my children get ready for these removals and get ready for great changes my nation is shaking loose from its captors never to be taking hostage again and talks about Red Sea like moments and how he is bringing this country a great and mighty victory so that is just one of the explosive prophecies that he has there's more of them that I have to give out to you today because he's actually has another one for President Trump but there's a lot that he's been talking about lately of things are going to violently shake and things are going to drastically change and he's also talked about the scenery and vacating of seats. Alright, so just in the last 2 weeks, some of these are already public. Um the ones are not public except for the last one. Uh we'll be coming public very soon. I've been told of a whistleblower inside the Federal Reserve. I'm supposed to speak to that person. There's whistle blowers within the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ, the defense contractors, and going to the Secretary of Defense, I was told by this whistleblower in the defense contractors including Boeing. So, it ties into Boeing as well. Much worse than just the planes that every Secretary of Defense has been compromised all the way back to Ronald Reagan's time. And he has the receipts. Wow. Wow. Taking money from big defense contractors. Really? Yep. That's right. I thought there were a couple of good ones in there. That's what he said. All the way back to Reagan. Again, what has God been telling us? Things people you thought were good were really bad and bad people were actually good people because God says he's infiltrating the infiltrators. Yup. So yeah, you don't know. I mean, things are going on that you can't that's why people want the idea of discernment because even if you know, you you think a person's good, they actually may not be and it actually made me bad I mean that's happened to us on more than one occasion you know in ministry I mean it is shocking when you when God's revealing certain things you're used like whoa because you really thought it was one way when it was really another so you have to pray and get discernment from God because people are not always the way they they seem to be one other thing to add to that a friend of mine you know doctor and that's all I'll say just incredible doctor but even more of a more incredible man of God just a prayer warrior he he he is kind of upset couple months ago and he goes he he asked for me to you know pray over pray with him and he said you know why have I been around these people and they they fake me they were not good when and he said why didn't I have wisdom and discernment to know that and I was praying in the spirit when he was talking about this and immediately the lord said to me he goes because sometimes the lord is bringing that person to you to change them to repent but they they had free will to do that and they did not. So, that's why he didn't give you the wisdom and discernment because he meant it for good and they didn't capitalize and it changed his whole demeanor after that. He got it and that happens in our lives too. So, don't beat yourself up if you know, you're in a situation you didn't get wisdom and discernment because God has a deeper plan. Yeah, I mean, we were just talking about that the other day for ourselves. Yup. I mean, really? Like, this is like, it's mind boggling because it's like, well, how did I not know that before like Lord I I mean seriously but then he also gave me certain hints of well you did but you just didn't want to accept it and that is as and that's certain things too where you do hear something and sometimes you don't want to expect it because I'm that person I I got mad at myself because I feel like that I'm that gobble person where you know you always want to believe all the best out of every person well that's not always the case you know but you truly and even this and even what we're talking now, I truly want to still believe good in that person. I truly truly want when there's good in there somewhere because what? Because they're a child of God or they're a creation of God and so you truly want to believe there's good. I truly like I'm praying like that. There there's gotta be good somewhere and so because God has it on your heart even though when people wrong you, you still have that duty to pray for your enemies and you really show that. To pray, we're supposed to pray for our enemies. Even the ones in the government, we gotta pray for em because if they won't repent, then, they gotta be removed. I mean, that's our creation. He doesn't he doesn't like the sin but he loves, he still loves the sinner. That's right and if we can't forgive, you know, Jesus forgave us. We gotta always remember that. Forgiveness is key and even to the worst, even to the worst things that they try to do to you. You gotta forgive and that's hard to do but once you do, you get that that peace and that shalom. That's only from him. Alright, we'll be right back after this. For such a time as this. Amazing that God has called us Jubilee. Everyone watching this is a remnant of God's army for such a time as this to we're going to see the greatest glory of God ever poured out in the history of the world. So that's why we can't quit now. Get that second wind. Take that deep breath. Get in his word. Give that joy peace that can only come from the Lord because we're there. We're on the cuffs while breaking this open and then it's glory days. Yeah it is. And that's something that the Lord has been really talking about. I mean it's going to be darkest before. I'm sorry my camera's just keeps to it has a milestone I swear. Uh but this we're at that cost of where darkness is going to happen. But that's where the enemies fall. It's not for our destruction. You were just mentioning how there is a wall being built up around the capital. Yep. I wonder why. Because God's been saying that there's going to be a scenery. God's been saying there's going to be a change of something regarding into the capital. Uh he's Talking about. I can't wait to get to the prophetic word he gave me that I gave out this morning. There's actually a word he gave me this morning that I I won't give out until tomorrow morning. That's extremely powerful and regarding so many things that we're seeing around in the body of Christ and the and then the nation right now and corporations and stuff. So, lot of major moves are taking place. Amazing and and while we're in the break, certain generals sent I don't have time to play it or maybe we'll play it next week but how Project Blue Blue Beam actually works. Uh it's and it can fool a lot of people. I'm looking at this video. It's insane how they can they they have the technology to do that. So wow. Also told watch the Statue of Liberty. Have you had any prophetic words about the Statue of Liberty? Yes. Yeah. I've had a few of them actually because God been talking about a lot of the monuments and he mentioned the Statue of Liberty and one of the things that he mentioned was it is not a symbol that it's for for liberty and for freedom and any type of that we would want our nation to stand for. It's actually a nasty, nasty Greek or the Egyptian Goddess, a Goddess of like a horror, I think is what it was as she's like an Egyptian or a Greek Goddess and so it's not what you think it is and so he talked about bringing it down and he talked about the symbolisms on it that that would be exposed but that was not going to be standing there. I mean, unfortunately, I know a lot of people love the Statue of Liberty But it's really not a good thing. That's exactly what I was told that the Statue of Liberty would come down. Just like the Georgia guidestones. Just boom. Done. So let me see if I can find that prophetic word for you because I know he's given multiple ones at I don't know how many. So let me let me see what God has to say because this is something that people understand. He talked about have you heard any intel because there's also he talked about the Washington. That that monument in DC was also going to come down. Oh my gosh. That is probably one of the most evil spots I've ever been to in my life. You can when people say there's no tunnels in Washington DC. First of all, I know marines that have been in the tunnels. Uh personally know that they've been in the tunnels but you go up to the Washington monument. You can look in the grading. You can see the tunnels. You literally can see this tunnels and you can feel just oppression like I don't know if I've ever felt that anywhere else in the world. It's intense. So this is one of the prophecies. It's from January 21st of 2022. So this was over 2 years ago that I heard this prophetic word. And it says again watch the Statue of Liberty as it starts with the crack and crumbles to the ground. You'll find out what was hidden inside and what the statue actually stood for and what is not what you think. The landscape of this nation is changing and all the monument symbolisms or symbols and billings they have erected will be destroyed in this hour. That is just one and I know he has more so let me get out another one because more detailed than that I wish you could look at my handwriting before you even say these things but next to Statue of Liberty it it drawed my memory from this weekend but I was told their words exactly were it's a Trojan Horse and you said God said there's something hidden inside it's a Trojan horse yes that's exactly right so let me see I know there's another one because I a couple of them here's another one nothing our Statue of Liberty but again Don is saying so like even with the Washington Monument you had a Statue of Liberty you have everything especially a lot in the capital yeah people don't realize the symbol the demonic they think you talk about the oppression there it was hard for me to go there but the last time I went there was in January I think it was for the National Prayer Breakfast and one of the things that we did in the National Prayer Breakfast I actually didn't even go to some of the meetings the lord actually had me go he changed our entire schedule, we went around specific parts. One was the Washington Monument and specific places all around. What was like the Federal Reserve, the IRS, and I can't remember the other ones but we went strategically in front of these places and buildings and started praying down exactly how God want us to pray about it. There's a lot of things that are going to change about our capital. I'm just saying as far as they're building that wall because God said he was going to destroy everything there except for the Lincoln Memorial he said he was going to keep. And so the videos that I was seeing shown this morning of those walls that are going up in Washington DC. These are not just temporary of walls. These are these are probably 10 foot with with cement barriers behind it and all the way down huge sections of of street for miles. Mm hmm. So here's another word. This is from March 11th of 22, where he mentions the Statue of Liberty again and he says again I mentioned the Statue of Liberty one day you will see it standing but the next day there will be a collapse and then only a rumble rubble on the ground Yup, that's exactly what I was told. So that was both of them were from twenty twenty-two. I don't know if there's anything recent. Oh here's another one. This is from July 23rd of 2020. This is another one from 2022. I knew I had it been a while since I've had any of them. Um because he hasn't mentioned the Statue of Blueberry in a while. Um let me find out what this one says. But I think all of them say about it crumbling to the ground. So. Yep. It's it's and they talk about Big Ben. Oh here it is. I will say this again, the Statue of Liberty will be in your news and not in a good way. Their monuments and their symbolisms are about to fall all over the place. That was from July. July. So honestly it's two years. July 23rd 2022. It's almost two years ago to the day. Wow. Yeah. So there's there's a there's a lot going on that God's saying he's going to destroy. He's going to remove people but he's also going to remove the symbolisms that they put in this country for from the that the old guard you would say the establishment the deep state are the ones that put up in place of basically mocking God. Wow. So we've talked about this before. There's a lot of things that are going to happen in DC. A lot. Seems like something's about ready to happen. I mean you would think after the immunity case that they would have those types of walls up. But even under the immunity case they didn't have those those walls up. And and then somebody was was speculating that it had to do with this NATO summit that's in Washington DC that they're right now. But that was the night. That started yesterday. I don't know why they would put up fencing a day after it's already started. That doesn't make any sense either. I don't know but if again going back to what I was confirmed again this morning if that is indeed the case then you'd understand why there's going to be walls put up and you're that whole prophecy the first prophecy is is fulfilled and it will shock literally shock the world everything guys said shock and awe I mean there's nothing he keeps saying unprecedent unconventional he keeps using those words he uses a word again I got to get to this prophecy yeah I better get to it because it's almost twelve o'clock. Yeah. This is called this one is from I gave it out this morning but I heard it on Sunday morning. So it was on seven seven. Heard on Sunday morning. My children, your enemies are in a sticky situation. Where their fingerprints are everywhere. On every crime, in every crime scene, on victims, on elections, on coups, on money laundering, on bribes, and with other nations in blackmail. You name it, there is proof everywhere. They are trapped in their own crimes by their design. For I am the Lord and I'm a judge and the real guilty verdicts will be passed down scale never seen by mankind. So I love how he put it in there real guilty verdicts. Because we've seen the guilty verdicts with President Trump back a couple weeks ago with that Merchand case which we all know there are fake guilty verdicts. They are not going to stand. And so I've had people come out against me because God said there will be no guilty verdicts. That means no matter what it looks like right now those guilty verdicts are going to come to nothing and be no guilty verdicts at all because then he says later on in that prophecy, on the day the verdicts came out, he said, do not fear on what you are about to hear because why? Because God is the judge and he said, his real guilty verdicts are they're going to be the ones that are going to be passed down. It's not the fake judges. It's not the fake law and the fake crimes they're trying to put in against President Trump. It's not going to happen. I love how he said, we're their fingerprint are everywhere. They're going to they're caught in everything. I mean, there's there God keeps talking. They're caught in traps. He said, it's infiltrated than infiltrators. I don't know how he has to get more distinct than that but they're all going to come crashing and crumbling down because then he goes later on, my children, I told you, my gavel is coming down. Judgement is starting to, I love this part. Judgement is starting to rain down ever so slightly right now but soon it will be a downpour. I'm to rain down judgement and justice for my nations and for my children for all the world to see and get ready for is at hand. God, you think of pharaoh and God calls them the pharaohs of today. You think how drastic that was. You think how unprecedented that was. You think how just on a grand scale of things watching the plagues happen against the Egyptians over and over and over again, they were pounding. They're they're entire empire was being destroyed in front of the Israelite's face. Yup. So you think about all the plans that happened. It destroyed their buildings. It destroyed their power and their control over God's people. And God said this is a greater exodus. He calls in the pharaohs of today. So there's a lot of things that are going to start changing. Well one of the things is just started well people knew this but it's now coming public. I believe this morning Mike Lindell actually retweeted this out but brought a bombshell information in Georgia about the the Secretary of State Republican Rassenberger who lied about the certification of the Georgia elections and this what I'm told is going to open up Pandora's box into what happened in Georgia for the twenty twenty. You want to hear a gross say on that one? Yeah. We had this one right here in rating because we saw it really and we're just we our team was like man they're on it I'm just telling you they're on it so this is from March 25th of 20twenty-four they said Georgia there is more going on in your state than just what is going on in Fulton County I told you that your representatives are dirty and are compromised traders to this nation Kemp Brad Raffensberger and everyone working with them will be fully exposed as they will everything they're trying against President Trump and a great shaking is coming to Georgia that will clear out the devil or to clear them all out. Then he says the devil went down to Georgia but my people caught you in the act. Governor Kemp I have warned you but you stood alongside the red dragon thinking you would be safe. You are not. I have everything and all who are with me and everything you they need to try to try you for treason. Your life as you know it is Brian Brian Campus over wraths, the traitors, you are against you and true and you're you are again truth and freedom more explosive evidence will come out of Fulton County to bring down this whole house of cards in Georgia then he goes on to say about Brad Rathensberger the second to the Secretary of State Brad Rathensberger God's directly speaking to him you are a snake in the grass for you attempts to lie cheat and steal along with what you did with the phone call with President Trump that or with Trump that you are now threatening him within court you are about to wish you had never done that bride the lord have evidence coming for of you saying and what you are doing with your little plan to oust him. You had a script and a part that you played to get him to say specific words. Trump knew that all along. You played right into his hands. He has you on video and audio devising your plan with camp and everyone else in your state including state Stacey Abrams to steal that election along with many other in the races that state in the state including the state races. Yes, all has been recorded. All the evidence will now come to light. There is more you could have imagined and it's stored up now. Well, part of that I can confirm. I know I gotta be careful I say this. Um good guys I'll just say good guys put in cameras into State Farm Arena where that happened and I'm told they captured everything they had no idea the bad guys where those cameras were and they have all that evidence so everything they said was a lie and they have it all captured I'd say he know he's alpha the omega he's beginning and the end none of this surprise God what what they were going to do with 2020, but again He also allowed it. Yup. And he said that they were caught in every trap that he had set and so they become more bold and they make more mistakes when they think they've gotten away with everything and that's where you see the desperation using the fear in their camps and their camps and they're destroying each other. Now, also, what just came out was Leticia James and exposure on Leticia James. Yup. So, this was a word called the gloves are off and this is from January 8th of 20 twenty-four. Leticia James is about to be exposed. Hold on because evidence is coming out regarding the major setup against Donald Trump. I will expose everyone involved and not just one person will get away with it. I am the judge. And I have the final say on this in every court case in this land that is unconstitutional and or unjust. Then this was the headline from July 9th so just yesterday. Newly unearthed email shows Leticia James' office corresponding with Biden's DOJ hatchet man. Matthew and I don't know how to pronounce his name about a plan to get Trump. Yep. Yep. It's in writing. They got them. Uh absolutely amazing. And so they they they lied about that too saying that this number three at the DOJ this is worse. It goes to Alvin Bragg too in the New York case. They went and like a huge demotion to go and work for Alvin Bragg to bring this case against President Trump and New York. And they were saying no there's no ties. There's no ties. Well they uncovered an email to show that they they they helped the current administration Biden and the DOJ sent President Trump up. It's all coming That could be another reason why they're building some barricades up. Cuz God said he's going after Biden and he's going after all that a fake administration. He's going after the DOJ. He's going after the FBI. He's going after the CIA. He's going after the Federal Reserve. He's going after the IRS. All more located in the Capitol. Yep. How again how God's going to do all this? I have no clue in the world. I don't I don't either. Nor do I want to know what God's going to do. I don't want to know actually. I didn't ask him. And I'm not I I don't think he's going to tell me anyway because he's never going to give the plans out to the enemy. No. Like like he's not going to want to sit there and tell all of his stuff prophetically so they can sit there and they can try to stop it. That's why he's not going to let the enemies in on his plan. You know the enemies watch all the time. You know that. You know it's funny because you know if we're on we're vibing on with other people. All of a sudden it's in Newsweek. Or it's in you know this article or this article. You know they watch. Yeah they do. Um God's not going to give them all he's going to you know he's going to scare them into repentance that they won't repent. I mean that's their that's their problem but I mean you're going to try to get them to repent but if they don't it's their fault. So that's why we have to be careful what we say too because I was told this weekend actually that in a conversation I think you and I had on them watching. They knew of a certain movement that I was going to take in a meeting I was going to take with somebody and they were ready to pounce on it. So
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