If Only Ye HAd The Faith

2 days ago

Take Just Jesus Words Out Of The Context Of Various Religious Dogmas, And You Will See They Mean Something Completely Different. On More Than Just The Mundane Level. You Will Also See That The Father" Jesus Refers Too Is Also Not The "God" Of The Bible. That Guy Is The Demiurge Of Duality. The Jealous One. The One That Demands Proofs And Worship. The Tetragramaton Code Of Your Creator, The Father, Is A Part Of You. Not The MAnifestation Of The World. Jesus Was Not Of The World, He Was Of The Father. Everything Of The World Created By Man or The Demiurge Of Man Is Not Of The Father.
Including Those Religions.
And Yes, You May Chose to Believe That Those Words In Any Of Those Books Were "Divinely Inspired", You Have That Choice Of That Idea Of Which Came From Other Men Who Used It To Rule Over You As Serfs & Slaves. Then Personally I Think You Are A Fool. However, Each To Their Own. as they say, lol.

They Are "Them". Everyone Always Asks, "Well Who Is The Mysterious "They" ?.
Some Direct You to Names You Never Heard Of People You Can't Touch. When The Fact Is, "They" Are Your Neighbors. They Are Everywhere, All Around You Working For Saturn. They Make The Beast System's Wheels Turning & Greased With The Blood, Sweat & Tears Of The Rest Of You. They Gravitate Towards Positions That Give Them Power Over You And The Ability To Abuse Others "Legally". They Are The Wolves, And Most Of You Are The Sheep. Many Of The Sheep Help The Wolves, Because The Wolves Don The Disguise's Of The Shepard. Then There Are Us Sheep Dogs, Barking Our Warnings Of The Wolves In Sheep Clothing. However Most The Sheep Have Been Following The Wolves To Slaughter For So Long. They Don't Understand The Sheep Dog. They Baaa Baa To Themselves About The Crazy Dog Over There Making All That Noise, And Either Attack or Ignore Him. While The Wolves Laugh And Eat It Up.

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