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Elijah Streams - Johnny Enlow Unfiltered - Brace for Impact - It’s a Clash of Kingdoms - Captions
Johnny Enlow and Kelsey O'Malley discuss the concept of the kingdom age and the impact it will have on the world. He draws from the book of Haggai to emphasize the shaking of heaven and earth, the overthrow of the throne of kingdoms, and the destruction of the strength of the Gentile nations. He also references the glory of the Lord filling the temple in 2 Chronicles, highlighting the overwhelming presence and power that it brought. Additionally, he shares a passage from 1 Chronicles where David speaks to Solomon about the abundant wealth and materials provided for the building of the temple. Overall, the message emphasizes the coming of a greater glory and the manifestation of the kingdom age, signaling a shift in the spiritual and material realms.
Johnny also discusses the concept of a greater glory, greater presence, and greater provision as outlined in various scriptures. He emphasizes the need to embrace the shaking that is taking place and to trust in the Lord's narrative and plan for the future. He encourages listeners to understand their identity as living stones and to be prepared for the multi-generational assignment of advancing the kingdom of God on earth. Johnny also shares about his new book, "Students on the Rise," and the importance of being solutionaries in society. He concludes by expressing the joy and hope that comes from being aligned with God's purposes in these challenging times.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Elijah Streams! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was published on 08-19-2024 and may be watched here: 👉
EPISODE 119 of JOHNNY ENLOW UNFILTERED. Johnny will be discussing the latest prophetic intel from the Lord.
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Hey everyone and welcome to Elijah Streams. Today's Monday, August 19th, 2024. I'm your host, Kelsey O'Malley. Filling in for Steve Schultz... happy Monday. I pray you all had a blessed weekend. I'm so thankful to be back with you on Monday to be hosting Johnny Enlow. He always has amazing, pathetic insights that he shares with us. Maybe we'll touch on some of the questions that you guy s sent in today. He told me a little bit earlier. He's like, I just got this whole download from God. So we'll see. I'm still getting it as it's coming. So today's gonna be another amazing episode. It's fresh revelation right from God. But before I bring on Johnny, we have a quick water well promo we wanna share. And we wanna thank you for partnering with us as we dig water wells all across Uganda. Thank you again so much for your generosity for your giving. I think when we see it play out before us, we see the dangerous places they have to walk and the dirty water, it really brings to the realization of this is everyday life for lots of people all across Uganda, other nations, even in America. They struggle with getting clean water. So you guys helping us and continually giving and being so generous, we're so thankful because without it, we would not be able to provide clean water and we're just so thankful to God. We're so thankful for you. If you feel led today, you can go online to Elijahstreams .com slash donate or you can mail in your giving to the address on the screen and may the Lord bless you. And I pray that you guys can just see the impact that you are making. Thank you so very much. All right, my guest today is the founder of Restore7 along with his beautiful wife, Elizabeth. He's also the founder of RISE, which is raising up reformers to go into the seven areas of society and change it for the kingdom. He is an author and international speaker and he has his very own show right here on Eliza Stream. So please help me welcome Johnny and Lowe for Johnny and Lowe unfeltered. 1349 hours declaring an arrival. My message hasn't changed. You are the light of the world. You are the soul of the earth. You must from now on target darkness in your society. We are almost there. The pain is for the awakening. The awakening is for your children. Johnny, happy Monday that the intro is still just as powerful. I'm sorry. It is so powerful. Well, you know, hello, Kelsey, I was just thinking boy, the intro go with today's word in a powerful way as well. So it's like, yeah, this is good. It does. I get fired up every time I see it. I forget about it till the next week comes along. I was like, yes, we got a target darkness in every area of society. Not just sit back and speculate... There we go. Yes, it's so good. And I was saying, you know, earlier I was like, I can't believe it's episode 119 already. It's 119 episodes of Johnny coming on just for Johnny Enlow Unfiltered. I know you filmed even before, but it's amazing how many have gone by and how you've encouraged us and shared with us, you know, God's plan, God's plan, not media's plan, but God's plan, you've encouraged so many of us to continue to look to God and not look at what they're telling us. What the what the mainstream media narrative is, but what God's narrative is. Absolutely. Right. Well, thank you for saying that, Kelsey. Yeah, it's again, it's just 119. It's just two years practically of doing that Monday slot and the overall focus and assignment for us. We have not had to change the promo because it's exactly. Yes, it's it's it's right in there. It's what we must be the salt. We must be the light. We must understand what that means. And so we're getting it. It's happening. It's progressively happening. It's more encouraging. We're seeing the evidence of sons and daughters of the king rising up at salt and light and being a part of further exposing and through exposing, debilitating, whatever gets exposed of the enemy is because that's a first sign of it is getting weaker. Debilitates the enemy and it precedes absolute destruction of the enemy in those areas as well. So he collapses after he's exposed. And so we have to do our part by being salt and light by being everywhere, not hiding in caves, not running off, not spending all our time speculating what everything means, but being a part of Christ in us being the hope of glory for our society, allowing he who is greater than he that is in the world to show up through wherever we show up. So it's just it's still so appropriate. It's so good. And I'm I'm excited because I saw in the notes show prep that you're going to do a conference with Steve Schultz and Andrew Whale and I was like, that's going to be awesome. And that's coming up in, let's see, Friday, October 25th. Tell us a little bit about that. Yeah, it's a one day event. So Andrew and myself will be speaking at it. And Andrew, I think the what we haven't even stated one time here is the initial seeds of this were from many, many months ago. Andrew had a dream and in the dream we were speaking and this was this was before, this was tells you how long ago it was. It's before Elijah streams had purchased the building they are now and he's like, there was an Elijah streams building and you were giving and he was telling me you were giving the main word there. And so out of all that a series of things have taken place. So there's now the Elijah streams pavilion is what the building is called. It has had years ago it had usage by Elijah streams conferences. So he and I will be tag teaming on Friday, October the 25th. Take the arrows strike the ground and speaking of strike the ground. Strike the ground seven times which I shared a little bit on that last week, but you'll get you'll get more of that when we get there, but it'll be fresh prophetic revelation even if we have a title that pre existed. But this is you all should know that there is a maximum. We're probably going to say that, but there is a maximum of 800 that can register and we're already over a half way there and there hasn't even been a promo sent out yet. So just be aware of that. That it does cap out at 800. Yes. So I would say if you're interested in going to this, go sign up quickly rather than wait because all the tickets. I was telling Johnny like, how has there not been a flyer yet and already the tickets are sold out. That's amazing. It's because people are hungry to be in God's presence with other believers in here what the Lord is saying. So yes, make sure you go to slash events and get your tickets. All right, Johnny, what has the Lord? I don't know what the Lord has given you today. I have no idea, but I'm just going to kind of kick it off to you and I'm excited to hear what you're going to share with us today. Well, thank you, Kelsey. I really, I got three words from the Lord to start with and I was like, oh, what's going to come under this? And it was brace for impact. And so brace for impact doesn't necessarily, it's not the first thing that it gives you is this warm and fuzzy feeling. The way, as I would expect the way the Lord speaks to me, there is great encouragement for us and it ties in with everything we're sharing ties in with the focus we've been giving of on the kingdom explaining the kingdom, not really needing to do a promo on it, but this book kingdom come understanding the reign of God on earth. It's just so, so key. And so now back to think of kingdom come because honestly, the impact that's coming is the kingdom. And we're going to explain what aspect of it and some dynamics attached to it for we, so we have understanding. In fact, in framing it, I want to frame it just like if you think of a frame, there's four sides to a frame. So we're going to have four scriptural references and out of it will come a framing of the kingdom age that is upon us. And it's upon us not in response to the enemy. There's part of the Lord and the Holy Spirit was wanting me to understand is a lot of it can feel like the enemy is coming like a flood and we need to respond. And there's that's not a horrible way to look at it, but it really is his initiative. Like you can think well, it was the enemy who started the whole thing against Jesus and put him on the cross and all that. But it obviously was initiated first by heaven by even sending the Son of Man God in the flesh to earth. And so there's always something he's initiated first of all that he knows is going to cause a resistance from the enemy. And so it should not be looked at as if the enemy has is the dealer here with the cards. And it is the Lord who is orchestrating things. And so it fits into an overall narrative that I'm going to briefly restate a narrative that I'm continually bringing even by my promo saying you must be so you must be light. We must target darkness. This is a time. This is the kingdom age. Now for some say to say, well, what do you mean by the kingdom age? Get the book. But in short, in short, what the kingdom age is about is about the revealing of the things of heaven on earth as it is in heaven. And I have to juxtapose it against the prevailing eschatology, the prevailing paradigm that has dominated the body of Christ and that paradigm being that we're headed towards one world government, the false prophet, the beast, the antichrist, the great tribulation, some great advance of the kingdom of darkness. This is not a time for great advance for the kingdom of darkness. This is a time for great advance for the kingdom of light. And for instance, for those who have, no, no, no, we're going to go towards the false prophet, the antichrist, the one world government, the beast, you know, just understand that that's what we're coming out of that has been what has ruled us beyond if you don't see it's like this is a time to open your eyes and understand the false prophet. The false prophet is he who's controlling the narrative. It's media, the false prophet, you're going to really land it. CNN, MSNBC, NBC, NBC, Fox has yielded to them at key times. Google, YouTube, Facebook, all of these social media platforms that have used their censoring in order to approve the narrative they want out and to shut it out. So it looks, it's even more deceptive because it looks like it's free social media for everybody be out there, but then you get eliminated if your voice doesn't go along with the particular agenda, their in advance. So this thing of waiting, if you think one day we're going to have a false prophet that's worse than this, no, this is the worst fault profit we will ever have on planet Earth. Wow. Is the media right now the way they dominate, the way they censor, the way they brainwashed us, the way they brainwashed 206 nations and made everybody do six feet apart and wear masks when masks have never worked and provided an instant vaccine that did not go through trials or tests and one that all the science behind it showed that it was dangerous and that it was destructive. 10 to one over any any help it would get at least 10 to one. So we're like just this idea of wait, no, no, no, we're headed towards the day. We are being rescued out of that because we agreed with it so much. We allowed our light to be dimmed. We were not the light of the world. We were not the salt of the earth. And so we allowed this thing, this false profit, this media domination to so cover the whole earth. There is no looking forward one day to a worst version of it. So I'm hoping that wakes up some right there. Think of Antichrist. Okay, what's the Antichrist? Antichristos, the anointing is literally what the word Antichrist means. And so that is something that is going on in religion and even in the body of Christ, any kind of evangelical order that ultimately cancels or censors the work of the Holy Spirit is Antichrist. And John, the apostle already said the world is full of Antichrist back then. There was a unique understanding even of what it was. So this idea, no, no, no, one day there's going to be this terrible. We've had a terrible antichrist and he's still operating any evangelical circles around the way anywhere that there is oppression, censoring and limiting of the Holy Spirit and what he wants to do, that is Antichrist. And to the degree you do it in the very buildings that you claim to, you know, you'll have something you'll call Church of the Holy Spirit, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, and you'll censor him there. There couldn't be any more Antichrist act that you do. Yes. Or what about the worship of Mary and how the statues are being paraded. I mean, there's so many different religions. There's all kinds of ways. And so you go, can one world government know we're going to have a one world government again? How do you think they orchestrated 200 and something nations around the world to do absolutely everything one nation, all 206, we have been under one world government. To some degree, it's the vestiges are still still there. It hasn't been decimated yet. It's in process right now. That's why we're going into this age of the kingdom. The one world government is the World Health Organization, WHO, the United Nations, World Economic Forum, CDC, all these organizations that exist in order to deceive and control humanity. What do you think, if you think there's ever going to be a one world government that's worse than that, there's not. That is as bad as it gets. They control everything and they've deceived you into thinking they're not a one world government because they hide behind, well, we're not really tyrannical when they are. That's the deception. There's a part of us needing to wake up of what we're coming out of, what we're being freed from, what we're being delivered from, the Egypt we've been under. We've been under Egypt that we're actually wondering we're going to be in Egypt. We've been in Egypt. We're being delivered from it. The beasts, they don't know the beasts are going to get the market. The beast is the weaponized Intel agencies around the world that operate in their front line and controlling the masses. You're hearing about it all the time. It's being exposed, right tests. You can't trust even the Secret Service and then there's the FBI and there's the CIA and there's the Department of Justice and then worldwide. They're having these organizations, all these things you're thinking, one day, no, no, no, we're going to, we've been, we couldn't have a worst expression of it. We have been, when the real numbers of how many people have lost their life and are losing their life over even just the last COVID event, not to say what the vaccines, there's a whole another study that just proves that really the vaccines that came into Africa quote, anti-poleo, anti-other things, I want most of it funded by Bill Gates. It's responsible for over 100 million deaths. The stuff far goes far beyond what you thought the worst interpretation of the book of revelation was, but it happened in a, you know, you have somebody wearing a doctor's coat and smiling at you while you do it. And just because it didn't come with, you know, a visible dragon flying around and blowing fire on you, you think you didn't experience anything. We're coming out of that. Okay. So that's the clarity. So brace for impact and the impact is from the kingdom of God and we're going to look at four scriptures to understand it. They're going to frame it and it's good news, but we have to align with it. We have to stop believing the lies that we've been allowing to rule our lives with so that we begin to function and align with the great news that is coming, you know, related to that, Kelsey, I don't know if you saw. Candice Owen is, Candice Owen's for those who know she has a huge following and she is creating quite a stir with her comments and and and blowing up social media. And I'm not going to say I agree with everything she's saying, but there's a lot of stuff she's saying is true. And here's the deal. Part of a new mentality, we have to stop deciding someone needs to be silenced and canceled because they bring something to light and like just because we don't like who they target or what they're targeting. And so she in some ways she's taking on Israel. She's taking on the existing Bible in some ways. It is a bit being that way. But if you listen to it all, you know, there's the thing about truth, truth with stand the rigor of any sort of inspection. And so anything that is true or anything that is truth will will endure and be strengthened through being looked at. So we got to stop these practices going on. This cancel culture is a culture that says no, you're not even allowed to look at something as, okay, we need to move. We need to work on this. It's everything is like, if anybody touches something, it's like, no, they're they're gone. And so, okay, so here's the deal. I'll just briefly, she, one of the things from the last week is can you so on on the origins of the scofield reference Bible. So this is related to the topic that I was just sharing as well. So she said some things I would like love to see the scholarship because I pretty much have shared two or three times on the scofield Bible being funded by deep state secret society and that even Cyrus scofield was never a pastor or seminary graduate. There's no reason for his material to have gone and in not just impacting, but literally the default eschatology you could almost say of the body of Christ began to be this escapism concept. And the various things that scofield put into his commentary was not even believed by 1% of the body of Christ, but you, you pulling his scofield reference Bible from 1908, I think was the first one. You had certain agencies that I won't name them right until he can figure it out. That echoed what they were doing. There is Billy Graham, a evangelical association put out like a thief in the night. And then you had how Lindsey's a late great planet earth and then you had Tim LaHain Jerry Jenkins left behind movies. And so with movies and films and someone who has no seminary background and who's totally funded by secret society money, you have a whole new eschatology that tells the body of Christ no need to get involved, no need to be salt might just, you know, yeah, that it get worse and worse and worse, you know, try to survive while it's right before because it can't get too bad because Jesus is going to zap us and rescue us out of here. And I don't know if people realize like what I just got through telling you is there's hundreds of millions of people have been killed in our watch the last few years, not even to tell you about war war one, two, and we're in three. Those were all like you think, no, no, when it gets really bad, how much worse could it be than millions and millions dying either of actual war or of vaccination injuries or of some other sinister, there's been intentional famines of entire nations of Africa that have taken place. And you're like, no, no, no, no, no, no, as people don't want us to take away that, this thing of the, no, the rat trust to save me from that stuff. You already went through it. Some version of it, it happened or somebody did your brother and sister and Christ went through it. They're going through it. So we really got to wake up. And so that's the context of what we're sharing. So now let's go to the good news. Well, that is good news to waking up is always a good news, but I got to do you can never fall back asleep. I'm sorry. There's just too much now you're not falling back asleep. It's like that saying is the cows are out of the barn and it's like there's no putting them back in. Yeah. You should be thankful for it. It is why there's 119 weeks of, you must target darkness. Like to the degree you think, no, we must run from darkness. We must outlast darkness. No, it can't get darker because he's going to zap us out first. Biggest lie on the planet. Okay. You have to understand, he said in his first message, if the salt doesn't do what it's supposed to, it is good for nothing but to be cast out trampled upon. So where you get this, Jesus is not going to allow me to go through hard times. It's so illogical. It borders on insanity, both in practice and what's been the practice of the world and what we've gone through. So let's, let's, let's finish waking up on this and it wakes us up into a good place, especially again, we're going to bring this beautiful kingdom age picture right now. And I know this is hard for some people to hear a Johnny because their whole lives, they were raised with this eschatology. So this is like what? I mean, it is, it is like ripping some, you know, like ripping the blinders off because that's all you've been taught your whole upbringing within church. So I know for some of you, this is like ripping off the blinders, but I want to encourage you to do research on what Johnny's talking about with the scofield Bible, do research on when was it introduced that the rapture was going to be like a taking away before the tribulation? Research, when did that come in? When did that start being taught and do some research on it, read the Bible how it's, you know, and you'll see that what, what he's saying is true. Okay, sorry, Johnny, I just felt like some people were jarred by that. So, so now we're going to talk out of, okay, let's read first of all, Haggai chapter two. I'm going to read you straight through verses one through six in the seventh month on the 21st of the month, the word of the Lord came by Haggai, the prophet saying, speak now to Zarebabal, the son of Shialtial, governor of Judah and to Joshua, the son of Jhazadek, the high priest and to the remnant of the people saying, who is left among you who saw this temple in its former glory? And how do you see it now in comparison with it? Is this not in your eyes as nothing yet now be strong, Zarebabal says the Lord and be strong John Joshua, son of Jhazadek, the high priest and be strong? All you people of the land says the Lord and work, be strong and work. Wow, it's almost like he could say that now. For I am with you, says the Lord of host, according to the word that I coveted with you when you came out of Egypt. So my spirit remains among you, do not fear. For thus says the Lord of hosts, once more, it is a little while. I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land and I will shake all nations and they will come to the desire of all nations and I will fill this temple with glory, says the Lord of host, the silver is mine and the glory is mine says, I think I said one through six, I'm now reading through eight, says the Lord of host, I needed to be one through nine. So no worries, the glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former says the Lord of hosts and in this place, I will give peace, says the Lord of hosts. So thank you for getting, I said one through six, but Miss wrote is one through nine. Now we need to understand when this is taking place, this is actually after they are headed back, they've been in bondage to children of Israel and they're by order of Cyrus by things that he's allowed for for decrees, they are now able to go back to Jerusalem, rebuild the city, the temple and all kinds of things. And so the question the Lord is asking them, we're going to make more sense out of that in just a moment, says who has left among you who saw the temple in its former glory? Now the temple in its former glory was the temple under Solomon and we're going to read a couple things about that because the promise then was that there would be a temple that would exceed it in glory, that the latter glory would be greater. There is an application and some will say that's the extent of it and I don't believe it is that Jesus of course came and he was in Jerusalem and he was the greater glory, but there's an aspect of the greater glory that there is yet another fulfillment. That's what he does in the day of the saints, the age of the saints, this kingdom age we're going, this is what we're going into, it's things that I've been sharing out of the book of Enoch, what Enoch saw of the latter days is where the sons and daughters of the King multi-generationally so overcame death and so prospered in the nations, so began to live to be 800 and 900 years old, so began to walk with God like Enoch did in the beginning, like he learned from Adam who they had like 70 years or so of overlapping life and so he learned about walking with God from him and so there is going to be a people that walks with God that is so salt and so light in carrying his presence everywhere that we're going to see a manifestation that is what the prophet Habakkuk said in 214 of his book, the whole earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea, that glory is seen on us, so we're going to get back to again to this glory, the glory of the church to come, the glory and we're going to understand what that is in a minute so you don't think of some building somewhere because it was a temple there, that's part of, so we're establishing, we're doing this frame and so we're putting on one side where there's a declaration that there's going to be a greater glory than the former glory so whatever that former glory is we want to, we're going to look at that in just a second but let's look at the end of chapter, the same chapter right here, go to verse 18, no let's go to verse 20 and again to the word of the Lord came to Haggai on the 24th day of the month saying, speak to Zarebabal, Governor of Judah saying, I will shake heaven and earth, I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms so just in short order they already moved on and that's fine, I'll get there in just a second but when I tell you brace for impact it's a crash of the kingdom of God coming on earth, there is a clash of kingdoms creating a crash of the kingdom that is not the kingdom of God and so this is where you're getting it prophesied to his priest of the times, a rubble, I will shake heaven and earth, I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, I will destroy the strength of the Gentile kingdoms, I will overthrow the chariots and those who write in them, the horse and the writers shall come down everyone by the sword of his brother in that day says the Lord of hosts, I will take you Zarebabal, my servant, the son of Shialtial says the Lord and I will make you like a signet ring for I have chosen you says the Lord of hosts so keep that up for second because I want us to understand this part as as we go through, he's going to destroy the strength of the Gentile nations so it can look to you like a racist statement or something, oh he's going to save Jews but Gentiles he's not but the Gentiles was the heathen nations would be some versions of it have have it but you have to understand whenever the Lord talked about Gentile nations, he the he the nations somebody else would write it that way interpret it that way, all throughout the Old Testament, every one of them, whatever represents, it's not that there's the wrong race, it represents they're the wrong religion if you want to say, it represents idolatry, all all nations, 100% of the nations that were not the ones that had covenant with God, 100% of the nations of the Old Testament were idolatrous nations meaning their primary God was not God, it was an idol, it had carryover stuff from the watchers for those who heard me speaking to that before so there's the Lord having to make the point over he's going to destroy the strength of the Gentile nations and so the he the nations they have been ruling on earth even now and so that everything I want everybody to understand what I'm reading right now read it as present now I don't mean like 24 hours it's all going to take place but there is it's happening now it's I began sharing from this book the end of the world as we know it a prophetic word for entering the new era that was in 2020 and I said pastors and leaders everywhere because this is what I was being inundated in 2020 with the COVID announcement and they're like oh this is the plague from Revelation we're all going to die from so Jesus is about three turn I go no no no wrong wrong wrong people forgot that now it was easier to call me the conspiracy theorists for saying that's not where we're going with this at all and I would try to tell people remember because I am telling you that you are being misled by your leaders your Christian leaders your prophetic voices your pastoral voices that are telling you this is a revelation reality that's taking place that's still being spoken and it's still just as fake as it was in 2020 and if you still want to be deceived keep listening to that stuff because that's where it will take you that is not the narrative that is not the direction we're going we're going into kingdom age we have already experienced just about as bad as a Luciferian age as we can so there's no no point looking forward to going that direction and we were helpful in making it worse we as the church by promoting this in times perspective I call it an end times virus in timesitis where we're so focused on this happening that we abandoned our positions we abandoned being light like no stata governments from the devil stay out of arts entertainment of the devil stay out of money it's out of the devil you stay out of everything turn it over the devil it becomes the devil's yeah shut down your churches literally yeah so anyway this is I want us to remember this part I will shake heaven and earth he initiates it he shakes heaven and earth I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms we're in that process so you wonder the part that's scaring many the most is we're being revealed exposed to the kingdoms that we didn't see and to think agendas because every agenda has a think tank and that's a kingdom and it's an evil think tank kingdom and so that is what's being thrown down now and so as it's as it's revealed to us whether it's the kingdom of the world economic form the kingdom of the builderbergs whether it's the kingdom of various secret societies you know things have already mentioned I don't want to belabor the point there but I will destroy the strength of those nations I will overthrow their chariots and those who write on them this is presently what is taking place we're in that day it's a phenomenal day everyone by the sort of his brother so what we're going to see this is something holy spirits right on me right now everyone by the sort of his brother these things that operate under luciferian orchestration they're going to go after each other like you can't even imagine right now they're going to even there's some realities there's some things that make no sense right now in the public scene because of my time I'm not going to I'm not going to go there but really truly is like a second chronicles 2020 the day of jahashvat the enemy took each other out you're going to think there's a taking out of each other from the enemy turning on each other starting democratic national uh committee what's the DNC stand for their party convention convention convention starting today you will see it and hear about it there and you will see that this is a reality increasingly a reality it's been a reality behind the scenes it's going to be more and more visible it's something the Lord's doing that that taking that that which will be taking place there is not separate event from what I'm reading to you out of haggai chapter two this is the fulfillment this is that in that kind of way but he says and this is a stuff to remember I take you is a rubble my servant that's the verse 23 the son of she outtills says the Lord and I will make you like a signit ring for I have chosen you says the Lord of hosts what does that mean whether there's a whole message I should give on that maybe we will in another time but the the the ring was the sign of authority means you carry the king's authority as he is so are we in this world he's the king of kings we are it just to make it not if you think no that's to who it's be salt and be light it's take my name my presence my healing my solutions you carry my seal and so it was a sign to the priesthood of that day is like I'm going to be shaking everything that can be shaken I'm going to be shaking these kingdoms you exercise the authority I'd given you so that's what he's telling us now so this is part of what we what we want to remember so that's one side Kelsey now let's go because of time I got a jump right into second chronicles chapter seven because I told you he said how many of you remember the former glory and rather just telling you we're going to and this is not going to take long at all but let's look at second chronicles chapter seven and we're going to read the first three verses okay goodbye ready when Solomon just to remind people David had been king he was still king but the Lord said you're not going to build it um you've been been a bloody man you've been expanding extending the kingdom but your son Solomon is going to do it and so this is this is that time where he has finished building the temple this had been the passion of David's heart forever to do it but it was done doing when Solomon had finished praying this is the dedication of the that temple fire came down from heaven and consumed the burn offering in the sacrifices and the glory of the Lord filled the temple before you go to the next couple verses um notice two things fire comes down from heaven yeah and the glory of the Lord filled the temple now let's go to the next verse and the priest could not enter the house of the Lord because the glory of the Lord had filled the Lord's house keep it there for second now just think about that there is so much glory so much presence and it could be a presence that comes with a cloud it seems like it so was something they could see can you imagine being in a meeting in a temple that the presence is so powerful the priests are supposed to function and do all the things in their camp function now i've literally been in meetings where we've got a taste of this where the glory of the Lord physically came and where we could i was um at a pulpit and i just had to kind of slither down and hang on to it we couldn't function the glory comes in and we couldn't function and then all sorts of i think about 50 to 100 people ran to the altar weeping a group of about 10 children about 9, 10, 12, 11 years old 10 or 15 of them often the side no orchestration i'm the one with the microphone and i'm not talking i've slither down and they start laying hands on each other and prophesying over each other and ultimately before the meeting's over i i said i i just there seems to be a lot of anointing over there so i went and got on the floor let them let the kids speak and prophesy this is you know i had a couple thousand people in there what i what i remember and so the glory took over but the glory so we're talking about a time like glory not just being this terminology and language that we that we use for it but there this is this is when it says how many of you remember hearing about the glory of the former temple and it says it's going to be greater so there's so much anointing wow how much presence so much power that even those who run the meetings like we can't this is to be over by the spirit realm of God so okay that's part of it now so we're kind of establishing from other hand you're like okay the second frame here and um and so this is about what was if he says i'm going to give you greater glory than what was the glory what was the initial so that's part of it but that's only i'm telling you only there about presence so because that's all you've heard about is like they couldn't function so you're hearing so the glory returning at an impressive impressive and unprecedented way is about the presence being so powerful it just begins to take over so but it wasn't the only matter having to do with it there was another part so i'm going to read at a first chronicles uh chapter 22 and verse 14 first chronicles 22 and 14 let's see so this is I gotta tell you before i read it again this is david speaking as he's this is before the temple is built he's letting Solomon know what he's provided for him in order to build a temple with says indeed i have taken much trips as david talking to Solomon much trouble to prepare for the house of the lord 100,000 talents of gold and one million talents of silver and bronze and iron beyond measure for it is so abundant i have prepared timber and stone also and you may add to them now i'm going to read it in another version just to get it said another way and maybe add a verse there because this is powerful enough so you already you've already picked up that i've told you the glory of the latter house is going to be greater than the glory of the former house and i don't believe we've seen it there is application of Jesus and being the example but in the widespread way that we're talking about in the specifics of presence where nobody else can function and in sheer wealth provision so i'm reading it again just from the inlt i have worked hard to provide materials for building the temple of the lord nearly 4,000 tons of gold 40,000 tons of silver and so much iron and bronze that it cannot be weighed i've also gathered timber and stone for the walls though you may need to add more you have a large number of skilled stone masons and carpenters and craftsmen of every kind you have expert goldsmiths and silver smiths and workers of bronze and iron now begin the work and may the lord be with you now begin the work may the lord be with you so here's the deal first of all one of the things we got to get used to is there's no the lord doesn't desire any past experience we can speak about including the garden of Eden to be something that's just history there is like his idea with man he's going to take us back into the highest level of presence glory intimacy that you can find from the scripture he wants is there and he wants to stare as a people it's how he prepares his bride for her to be worthy you know ends with the marriage supper of the lamb her bride has made herself ready so this is part of that but i want you i don't know if it's like beyond even being able to process how much silver and gold one temple had i put it in different ways six million pounds of gold three point four metric tons of gold three point four this is millions upper billions crazy sixty million pounds of silver which is thirty four thousand metric tons of silver and i did the math on it it is billions so you know what a waste how could that be but and then David said there's more that's just what i did david the house of the lord was so important for him so when it says i i'm going to give you a glory that's greater than the latter glory there's a reason if i jump back and i'm just going to read it you'll remember it but verse eight because when that when he says it's going to be greater than the former he's talking presence but he says the silver is mine and the gold is mine if you remember that from verse eight that's right before he says the glory this latter temple shall be greater than the former because it almost like it's not a silver gold when he's talking about the glory of the temple why talking about financial stuff but like its provision and presence at an unprecedented level this is the world this is the kingdom age that we're going into and he's going to shake kingdoms that have been holding wrongfully onto the wealth even of the world and he's going to strip the nations that have been not just withholding from people in general but using it to advance luciferian agenda around the world like it would make zero sense for Jesus to come now and just zap us out of all this like well you know i never expected you to be able to take care of them like you know greater is he that is in you than he that is in war that's a theory but not really you know he has to do it all he's just going to take you're just weak you know miserly whatever whoever you are and so no he is going to equip us with so much presence and with so much provision we can get it done we can see nations transformed we can see we're not going to transform society there is no successful seven mountain mandate with high level presence without high level presence high level provision both of those are on the way they're coming this is how that's brace yourself for impact now forget about bracing yourself for the next whatever deep state attempt that they're trying to push monkeypox now which the monkeypox is coming from primarily it's a shingles caused by the covid vax for those who don't know that's what's being told my multiple doctors right now okay oh but brace for the plan the perfect plan do not be bracing for monkeypox yes that's right brace for like help at another level of course they're going to have to fulfill we'll say like David did his side of the equation and but the abundance comes from the Lord's why the Lord said mine is the silver mine is the gold i think i've told briefly before it's it's worth it there was a church in the south american country that they were going to lose the pastor had to announce to his church is like we don't have we've gotten too far behind and paying the lease on the church so it's going to be taken away but let's let's have an all-night fasting prayer and ask the Lord for mercy and so this is the scripture that they cry out so Lord yours is the silver and yours is the gold and about midnight literally it began to rain gold inside the church and so they it was collectible they collected and you know dust pan and a broom and it was enough not just to pay the rental they bought the church okay holly luria that's amazing that's more what brace yourself for that kind of reality and that's a little level even i say a little level it's pretty high level but um it's right along the air call if he says mine is the he responded to their faith and trust in him you have said yours is the silver yours is the gold we're about to lose our place and so he who has the silver and gold knew how to get it to those who you wanted to entrust with it at that moment so okay so we now we have two two two sides of the frame there's gonna be a greater glory there's going to be greater presence greater provision and now we know what to compare it with is seemingly wasteful level of provision billions for the you know his temple it's like what you i'm going to let that soak in because it has to i need the religious spirit that is still stuck to some uh eliminated as we go into this next season that God has for us because really this is what we're being catapulted into this whole 119 weeks of pain uh the pain is for the awakening yeah the awakening is for your children your children have to live in a new place your children's children have to live in a new reality and he has this is something this is night this wasn't heaven david had already created this reality we're the people of God we're living in absolute victory with their enemies they were defeated by david on all sides they had the most amazing we haven't even taken the time for the tabernacle of david worshippers and the highest level of worship going on all the time that you can possibly imagine and where they they would come worship was in a multi billion dollar uh temple and so the Lord says you haven't seen nothing yet he says you know that's that's that's that's that's where who has left among you saw this temple in its former glory you know that was that was stripped from from it says yet now be strong because where i'm taking you the glory the latter temple it's going to be greater it's going to be a little different as well aspects of it obviously and that's where we're going to go with these next two passages but okay good good good i had to check the clock here for for a moment so let's go to we're going to get this third line of the frame the side of the frame of this picture of this kingdom age picture and let's go to Hebrews chapter 12 and verses 25 through 28 Hebrews chapter 12 see that you do not refuse him who speaks for if they did not escape who refused to move spoke on earth much more shall we not escape will free turn away from him who speaks from heaven whose voice then shook the earth but now he is promising yet once more i shake not only the but also heaven now this yes yet once more indicates see if you don't hear an echo of what we're reading out of the guy the removal of those things that are being shaken as of things that are made that the things which cannot be shaken may remain therefore since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken let us have grace by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and Godly fear for our God is a consuming fire so and this is just a powerful scripture here Kelsey just i'll say piggybacks begins to complement everything else we're saying in case you i ask old testament oh this is new testament he's telling you he's telling you some of the same things and it's it's telling you that this is still future that's why it assists in the point of if you think all of the the greater glory was accomplished in Jesus there would not still be conversation in Hebrews about things needing to be shaken out so that that which is unshakable remains and that we advance into this this greater place so let me just cover a couple points this is why this kingdom age we're going into think of king is the last part of shay king so the kingdom age is going to be a shay king age because what has to happen we've been infiltrated we've been infiltrated all over the place so you have even you know Paul Warren defaults brethren how he'd been heard from false brethren and what that means you couldn't just accept it i'm a brother and it's like he got backstabbed a lot there's false false brethren uh possible john talked about those who say there are Jews or not and are not we've had to cover cover cover that kanda film is creating a storm a media storm with talking about the Zionist component of Israel right now and so we're having to look at and ask questions and and and none of it does just so you know i am very secure and strong there is a promise for Israel itself that you know i'm believing for containing for there's a greater glory for Israel etc etc whatever Paul said in Romans 9 10 and 11 but um just like we've had to learn that United States is it's not everything somebody named biden says we are and that most of the nation separates themselves from things this man or this woman named Kamala say most and so you can't say we're one in the same but we haven't figured that out for the nation of Israel even those the pro israel is like no if if their government says if the kineset says something if Benjamin Netanyahu then we get behind that support it because God says to support israel like we can't figure out the common sense you cannot misread the reality that the enemy is going to infiltrate everywhere he's going to create false brethren he's going to create false israel and so you don't turn on israel because of false israel you don't turn on the brethren because of false brethren you don't turn on all these these things that have counterfeit and all these think of pieces of gold or metals and there was this the whole vision that Daniel saw and there's part of it that's clay so think of if there's clay on something that's sturdy like a metal what how do you separate well one there i'm just making connection everything that can be shaken will be shaken so everything has clay attached to it and we're going to apply this at a personal level as well so we're all going through some shaking as well because we need everything that is not based on our king says the kingdom that we're receiving and we're receiving this as we are connected attached aligned and an agreement with our king that's the only thing unshakable that's your hope moving for your hope moving forward is not if you ascertain correctly when the rapture is or not and being properly prepared with whatever you know rug or something else you have so there is there really has to be this place where we lose absolute confidence in anything and anybody else other than our king jesus king jesus and so that that's that's putting ourselves if you want to to be in unshakable this unshakable position of Hebrews chapter 12 he says the unshakable position is be grounded founded in the king and he's going to shake everything else and so if we say it's the age of the kingdom the age of the kingdom has to displace these nations these nations these Luciferian agendas and setups around the world and so it has to displace it's a fulfillment it's an eschatology and full alignment with the book of Daniel and what he said the kingdom is going to come in progressively and keep advancing and this kingdom as it advances it is going to crush every other resistance in kingdom and it's going to crush it and do so much that it says it's going to become chaff the winds going to blow it away you're not going to be able to find it that is narrative we are in not just invited to believe and connect to but we are really commanded to in so many places if you go to what the prophets of the Old Testament whether it's David talking about inheriting the nations or Isaiah to us as child is born as son is given the government will be upon his shoulders the increase of his government there will be no end Isaiah's three nations will walk to the light of the sons of God the Habakkuk two fourteen the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God we have prophet after prophet after prophet tell us the nature of where this is going and this is supposed to shake us but it's really supposed to shake every system that resists it but it's also to shake and purify everything that's calling itself church everything that's calling itself whether it is real everything that's calling itself good uh-huh go through the process of shaking and then we'll find out that which is being that conclusively spared and fortified by the Lord himself and that's what will have our confidence I know we're hearing from so many people's like with all these pastors and leaders following who do we have confidence and trust in with all this taking place and so what I can just add to that just as a point of wisdom the Lord is shown me is like your test is when something's exposed like for you not I don't how do I know how don't worry about that be open not just open the truth love truth and willing to look at everything and don't like I know and not too painful me to consider no be willing to consider whatever is being pointed out like maybe if you're if your confidence is in the rock if your your foundation is Jesus and him the king and his kingdom it's not going to shake you and so you do that then if you find out once the wickedness is exposed that's when you're at your test now what will you do and so it's Jesus himself you know he had a trader beside him the whole time Judas he knew it from early on by things he said you could tell so he had the one that would sell him out for 30 pieces of silver but you know what he gave them power to cast out demons he was one of the ones and he sent them out so Judas had power to cast out demons heal the sick and he was doing that to really late in the game but then once he was exposed then it was a different thing there was a different way to think about him in that kind of in that kind of way and he knew it and he knew it fallen from something big and so that let that be you're like well I don't know of that I mean I like this guy's teaching and he's doing it seems good it's like okay if the you know if it's sound and it resonates with the Holy Spirit and there has been nothing that is been confirmed don't just get suspicious and paranoid about everything and everybody just received the good but there are going to be what we've been experiencing it's going to go exponential another level sorry for those like no I'm tired I can't have any more the big names I've been reading their books and following them and this and that and the other that's part I keep recommending there is a there's danger overall in just being too much starstruck that will say even in the body body of Christ and just make sure that is the Lord himself the Holy Spirit guiding you and not the well everybody else seems to be following so I'm going that just get the direction from from the Holy Spirit okay we have to go into them the the fourth and I'm going to read that one more time the last verse therefore since we are receiving a kingdom so just like we're receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken this embrace that as your eschatology embrace that as your doctrine of the end times embrace that as your assignment right now don't be confused what if someone says right what I'm just embrace that as clearly Bible it's like we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken let us have grace by which we may serve our God our God is a consuming fire and so he is shaking to say once more verse 27 once more indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken brace for impact we're going to get a boom and we're going to get another one and we're going to get them over and over and over until we stop holding on to anything that is shakable and we're going to get exposure of things that have been able to parade as reality because they weren't shaken so it's a good thing all right last scripture first Peter chapter 2 we're getting the fourth side of the frame first Peter chapter 2 and verses 3 through 9 if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious you keep your love coming to him as to a living stone rejected indeed by man but chosen by God in precious you also as living stones are being built up a spiritual house a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ Amen therefore it is also contained in the scripture behold I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone elect precious and he who believes on him will by no means be put to shame therefore to you who believe he is precious but to those who are disobedient the stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone and a stone of stumbling in a rock of offense they stumbled being disobedient to the word which they also were appointed then but you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation his own special people that you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light keep it there just just a second so a couple of things early on we saw there kel sees that it's telling us we are the living stones so this is where this is an important to finalize the four frames of what we're talking about a greater glory greater presence greater provision and he's going to shake everything that can be shaken but it's now telling us because you're like well how's the glory going to show up is it going to be in meetings well it can show up in church meetings but we are the living stones so his his temple is now made up of people and so it's people who carry his presence people who carry his provision and are restoring society who are doing so Monday through Friday we'll say in the seven mountains it's not just something that happens in a church event that will be the rarity we're going to see the glory the advanced presence the advanced provision foreseeing our cities and nations come alive be transformed be reformed so he's telling us our identity we're chosen generation read this as if it were present right now for each and every one of us you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood now you see he said's a rubble i'm giving you the signet ring to carry my authority this is all the same storyline the same paradigm he's given us a royal priesthood so we're all to function as priests to carry the signet ring of authority to understand where it's headed we're headed toward times of greater glory greater presence provision for it as well because we have to enter into the Isaiah 61 rebuilding of ruined cities restoration of all that has been taking place for generate multiple generations go ahead and go back to that last scripture just a a little bit longer not quite done with it um that you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light a holy nation his own special people so you see the effect david you know his level of revelation and the application it was beautiful there is one building one temple one one place to put the multibillion's and he's like no you're a you're a holy nation you're a people you proclaim it you're to advance me global if you want to put it that way worldwide you carry me i want to undo each and every one of you with power and presence and glory at a whole another level it's part of last week keep it there just second more last week when i was sharing on valor um is greater i should probably shouldn't even bring it up because it's controversial but it's a great message you so listen to valor is greater when unity towards breakthrough in advance unity holds the place of breakthrough but you will not get the breakthrough with unity you get it with valor with courage so we went into that and i said sometimes we're so ready to jump into unity events that we actually diminish who we are we're like we're just all we and i mentioned david and the example of his mighty men that each came to him it would name him by name and what their capacity and capability was how they could take on lines and giants and armies all by themselves and david didn't say when he was in front of goliath even though he's representing all Israel he didn't say we come against you in the name of the lord's like i come against you so there's sometimes you can sacrifice even the authority you have by trying to live too much in this um unity place in the lord wants us to learn how to fully own who we are who he's made us to be we're mighty men mighty women of God but then we join together as a holy nation as a royal priesthood and we begin to enter into this reality of seeing the kingdom revealed on earth where we see transformed societies where we see human trafficking eliminated from the planet that's our assignment and it's not going to it's not going to be in a month and we're not waiting for jesus to come back he's not saying i'll do this when i come back we're talking tens of millions of traffic individuals and we're actually just you know i just found a whole another layer of darkness that we're going to have to be dealing with that's profound but it doesn't matter that's our that's our assignment there's not a lack of assignment if you thought it was no i mean everybody's heard about jesus and so uh he can come no no no no a gospel of the kingdom was not a gospel of salvation it was a gospel of his lordship over everything the earth definitely has not been saturated in that message the church has not exhibited it even at a one percent level so how would we think that the will have been fully impacted by that so it's all about kingdom it's all about advancing in that kind of that kind of way so now we have the framework and as i'm going to uh wind down here a little bit kelsey i want your your input just whatever the lords but i had i knew i had to get this stuff in your these these four scriptures the hagai two that talks about the greater glory how many you remember the former glory of the temple what's going to be greater and then how many uh then he went back just part two was okay what was the former glory well it was so much presence the priest couldn't function and it was also so extravagant it was so luxurious that they were putting tons of silver and gold into this place and so the presence did come now just don't forget t
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