I see another dimension now, and it's scary

5 months ago

The interdimensional travel of Pedro Ramirez is perhaps the most provable case of a man lost in a parallel universe. His horoscope said it all: "Do not return to the other dimension, lest you re-live a grim experience."

Seville, the city in Spain perhaps best known for that famous Rossinni opera starring the Barber, is also the terrestrial starting point, of the mind-bending journey of Pedro Oliva Ramirez, who in 1986, drove his automobile, into an alternate realm.

Pedro Oliva Ramirez is a successful industrial engineer who took a business trip. In the month of November, on a Sunday night, at about 11:15 PM, Ramirez says that he was driving from Seville, to his rented room in the town of Alcalá de Guadaira. It was a trip of only 12 miles on a narrow country road.


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Ramirez had lived previously in town. He knew the old road. Though it wound through the hills, he never turned off of it. But after rounding one corner, he had to stop the car. As he sat there with his car idling, he looked back. He looked ahead. Suddenly, he found himself on a six lane highway, which should not even have been there. And this highway ran perfectly straight, for as far as the eye could see, in both directions.

He approached a visible force field that appeared to block the road. The force field reminded him of a soccer net. As he approached this luminous, almost transparent barrier, the temperature inside his vehicle increased to an uncomfortable degree, heating up, as if absorbing some kind of microwave energy. That's when he heard the voice. A voice that was apparently beamed into his car. The voice of a woman, but oddly automated - as if he was hearing a recorded message. And the message was: He had just successfully completed, a teleport. Without slowing down, he passed harmlessly through the luminous barrier, and the heat inside his vehicle subsided.

Where were all the other cars? They were all passing him, at high rates of speed. They were big, big like cars from decades ago, as if there had never been a fuel crisis, and they came in only two colors - white or beige. They had black rectangular license plates, which looked nothing like the plates issued in Spain.

While Ramirez looked around from the side of the road, traffic still pulsed along the highway. Then he noticed that these cars passed only at regular intervals - that is, only every eight minutes. Like they were all on the same schedule. Like they were automated. He wondered, were these cars driving themselves?

At last, he thought he saw an exit, on the LEFT side of the highway. It was unmarked, and patchy in spots, like a service road, that was NOT at all, very well maintained. He drove another half hour before reaching the triple sign that would be his salvation. Though foreign-looking, at least these signs were marked with places that Ramirez seemed to know - MALAGA in one direction, SEVILLA in a second direction, and ALCABALA in a third.

In his hurry to leave, Ramirez just wanted to get back to Seville. He took the branch to Seville, and drove 30 more minutes. Without even knowing why, Ramirez now stopped his car, for a third and final time. Then, sitting in his car, when he looked out the driver side window, he found himself, just outside his small apartment in Alcalá de Guadaira. A trip that normally took him but a half hour, he just endured for three hours and five minutes. And he used up enough fuel, to have traveled more than 125 miles.

Ramirez later tried to retrace his route, many times ... but never again did he find himself upon the unnatural highway of six lanes. It does not appear on any map, and when he questioned some local residents, they said they never heard of it.

Was he transported into the future? Five years AFTER his impossible journey, the Autovia was built, route A-92, a six-lane highway that runs from Seville, through Alcalá de Guadaira, and also through Malaga. The only question would be, just how FAR into the future did Ramirez travel?

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