Nevada Ballot Questions 6: The TRUTH about "abortion rights" in Nevada.

4 months ago

Melissa Clement, Executive Director of Nevada Right to Life, Joined me to discuss the FACTS regarding Nevada Ballot Question 6, the so-called “Right to Abortion” initiative. It does not “protect” rights not already codified into Nevada law. What it DOES is take away parents’ rights to know what they underage daughters are doing, and of course, allowing more girls to get abortions without parental consent gives perpetrators a free pass, allowing them to cover their “tracks”.

Why don’t the people who scream about “rape” worry about the fact that a pregnant 13 year-old girl, who’s legally not allowed to have sex with anyone, can get an abortion and thereby allow the perpetrator contain to have sex with her? We KNOW why...

It also allows any medical professional to do the abortion. Not just Physicians.

Nevada right to life:

Here’s more information on it:

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