WTFR The Government Has Declared War On The People 24-09-2024

4 months ago

I know it's kind of stating the obvious with a show title like this one, but MSM headlines are being written for no other purpose now, than to turn the people against the government. With Starmer making the bold statement that "the state will take back control of people's lives," it goes against everything that the people want. THE PEOPLE want to take back control of their own lives. This therefore is, in my opinion, the government conveying a bold as brass declaration of war against we the people.

It is, once again, time to buckle up & batten down the hatches - lockdown style, & prepare for the roughest of rides, as merely living our lives as we always have, becomes criminalised. What's coming is that we'll be expected to live falsely (lie to ourselves) in order to appease a small but hostile minority, or risk being caged in one of Starmer's new (men only) prisons which he proposes building at our expense.

If all this sounds far fetched, let me remind you that all articles leading to my conclusion have been gleaned from tabloid newspapers.

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