20210926 Linden LCSC USPSA Match, Linden CA, Jim Susoy - Limited A Class - 2/10 Limited

4 months ago

Placed 2/10 (99% of the winner) Limited and 5/56 Overall
00:00 Stage 1 - Limited Win - 2/56 Overall
00:43 Stage 2 - Limited Win - 2/56 Overall
01:27 Stage 3 - 2/10 Limited - 4/56 Overall (Mickey swinger and broken fault line)
02:32 Stage 4 - 2/10 Limited - 9/56 Overall
02:54 Stage 5 - 7/10 Limited - 32/56 Overall
03:12 Stage 6 - 2/10 Limited - 9/56 Overall (Holy Monkey swinger)

Fun match with great stages and great weather. Probably my most consistent match ever, with only one mike for the match. On stage 3 the fault line broke when I stepped on it and it threw off my balance. I lost about 3 seconds there.
The "Mickey" swinger and a "Holy Monkey" swingers where fun and not something I normally see a lot of.

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