The Ego’s Illusion of Indecisiveness - a daily inspiration

6 days ago

September 29 - The Ego’s Illusion of Indecisiveness - a daily inspiration
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When we’re feeling stuck, not knowing what to do, let us not despair. Instead, let us humbly ask Love to lead the way. Let us recall that peace is an expression of Love. So when we make a choice that brings us the most peace, we are choosing in alignment with the mind of God. Love is our true north, nature, essence, fuel source and Home. Indecisiveness is just a sign that shows us when we are not in alignment with our true north. When we align with Love and any of its expressions, such as peace, joy, forgiveness and compassion, our indecisiveness will begin to fade away. Today, if you are feeling indecisive, align with Love and ask yourself questions such as: “What decision would bring me the most peace?” “What would be the most compassionate way of dealing with this issue?” “What would Love do now?”

Today, let us not put ourself down if feeling indecisive. Instead, let us use this as an opportunity to practice increasing our trust in the Divine. When we trust the Divine, we align with Love and thus choose the most loving decision in the moment. The more we choose in alignment with God, the more certain our decision making process becomes. The more we allow Love to lead us, the more at peace we will feel in our decision making process. When in doubt, do not get stressed, for God uses all for good — to help us grow, heal and awaken. Even what the ego judges as a “wrong” decision helps us figure out what we do not want, which then helps us clarify what it is we do want, and thus it is helpful. Whenever you feel indecisive, take some deep breaths, align with Love and ask for clarity.
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